Cause of KPLC Nationwide Blackout

Cause of KPLC Nationwide Blackout! Kenya Power board chairperson Joy Mdivo-Masinde Explains

Kenya Power board chairperson Joy Mdivo-Masinde on Saturday explained the cause of KPLC nationwide blackout.

Mdivo said that while most parts of the country would be back on power before the end of the day, she warned that Kenyans could expect disruption over the weekend.

Cause of KPLC Nationwide Blackout

Mdivo further said the outage was due to a power outage from the Turkana power plant, affecting supply.

She went on to say that the network is designed in such a way that when up to 4% of the power demand is lost, the other parts of the network that are powered take over.

“Engineers have been working through the night trying to get our Turkwel power station to deliver more electricity to our grid… The power will be back on at some point today, but be prepared for intermittent power outages until our engineers, God bless them, fully resolve the situation.”

Joy Mdivo-Masinde.

However, with Friday’s situation, the loss exceeded 4% making it impossible for the network to handle.

“When Turkana went down, it meant a lot of power was suddenly off the grid, so the limited power available was prioritized and only certain substations were supplied… One trip means we just need to re-energise the grid sequentially, switching on one substation after another until it’s done.”

Joy Mdivo-Masinde.

She noted that if such an incident occurs, the existing safety option is to shut down other substations as a protective measure.

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The cause of KPLC nationwide blackout was a defaulted power supply from the Turkana generating plant. Power loss lasting close to 24 hours is highly concerning!

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