Peter Salasya Biography

7 Profile Facts in Peter Salasya Biography: Age, Tribe, Education, Family, Marriage & Net Worth

Peter Salasya biography is an interesting one for a youthful comic Member of the National Assembly. Here are some interesting facts about his much-publicized life story.

The young and famous Mumias East Constituency parliamentarian continues to excite Kenyans with stunts typical of content creators.

7 Profile facts in Peter Salasya biography

Salasya whose areas of interest circles around Agriculture, business, and leadership continues to cause political ripples in the region.

Who is Peter Salasya?

1. His real name is Peter Kalerwa Salasya

Honorable Salasya’s real name is Peter Kalerwa Salasya.

He is of the Luhya tribe, hailing from Mumias East in Kakamega County.

2. He sat for KCSE in 2009

MP Salasya attended Shanderema Primary School between 1997 and 2005.

He later joined Lubinu Boys in 2006, sitting for his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in 2009.

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3. He graduated from Egerton University in 2014

In 2011, Peter Salasya joined Egerton University for a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce, Banking and Finance.

He eventually graduated from the business school in 2014.

4. He is a former employee at Diamond Trust Bank

In 2014, Salasya secured his first job as a salesperson at Bufalo Bicycle Kenya. A year later, he moved to Sigalagala National Polytechnic as a tutor.

Between 2016 and 2017, he worked as an Operations Officer/Cashier at Diamond Trust Bank. He then became a full-time businessman until 2022.

5. He was a student leader at Egerton

During his years at Egerton University, Peter Salasya was crowned the best student leader award for his exemplary leadership skills.

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In addition, he was credited the Best Cultural Student by the administrators.

6. Peter Salasya is still a bachelor

The controversial lawmaker born on 15 January 1989 is still unmarried at the age of 35 years.

He belongs to a family of seven siblings in which he is the second-born son.

7. His net worth is Ksh. 30 million

A few years in the national assembly have changed Salasya’s life with immense fortune.

He has not only built himself a mansion but also his mother and supportive brother.

As we speak, the net worth of MP Peter Salasya is estimated at Ksh. 30 million with a monthly pay slip of about Ksh. 1 million. He earns some more from profitable businesses and parallel investments.

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The biography of Peter Salasya Kalerwa is outstanding for among other reasons, trouncing legendries Mr. Wamatsi of ANC and Dr Mapwoni to become a Member of Parliament.

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