School Reopening Postponed

School Reopening Postponed by 7 Days Pending the Flood Situation Report – CS Ezekiel Machogu

CS Machogu has officially postponed School reopening due to the ongoing heavy downpours and flooding havoc. At least 130,000 have been displaced with a death toll of at least 80 people. Several others are reportedly injured and missing.

A recent warning from the meteorological department allegedly informed the decision by the Ministry of Education to push forward re-opening dates.

School Reopening Postponed by CS Machogu

In a statement to the newsroom, Education CS Ezekiel Machogu said the government has postponed reopening by 7 days because of the flood situation.

His announcement comes with days of receiving flood briefings from various parts of the country.

โ€œBased on this assessment, the Ministry of Education has resolved to postpone the reopening of all primary and secondary schools by one week, to Monday, May 6, 2024. In the meantime.โ€

CS Machogu.

The education man further affirmed that the government will corperate with other agencies to mitigate adverse effects suffered by flood-prone areas.

As we have it now, school reopening remains at a standstill for the next week pending further investigation and directive by the Ministry of Education.