State of the Nation Kenya

State of the Nation Kenya: President Ruto Asks Raila Odinga to Discontinue Monday Mass Protests

Addressing the public on Sunday, April 2, 2023, President Ruto implored opposition leader Raila Odinga to call off the ongoing mass protests. He spoke during the State of the Nation Kenya; sparking massive reactions in the process.

In his speech, the Head of State agreed to address all the concerns raised in line with the rule of law.

President Ruto speech on State of the Nation Kenya

While the 15 issues raised by Raila Odinga are valid, their implementation remains a nightmare in a divided nation.

President Ruto shallowly touched on some of these issues while briefing on the state of the nation.

“In these circumstances and in view of the recent events that led to the loss of lives and destruction of property in the demonstrations in the last two weeks… I urge my brother Raila Odinga and the opposition to call off the demonstrations and to give this bipartisan approach a chance to take the country forward.”

President William Ruto.

He said that the issue of the selection panel for the new Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is pending a parliamentary process.

“My suggestion is that this matter can be handled in parliament by a bi-partisan parliamentary process so that we can agree on what it is they have an issue with, and we can adjust as is agreed and as necessary.”

President William Ruto.

However, Ruto categorically said his government is closed with no possibility of a handshake. He insisted that the opposition should take their place in providing necessary overnight.

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President Ruto went on to criticise a handshake between Mr Odinga and former President Uhuru Kenyatta as the main cause of the ongoing economic crisis.

“There was no distinction between the government and the opposition. Once you compromise accountability and oversight, you are in for a lot of trouble.”

President William Ruto.

Responding to the cost of living, Ruto said his government is working on sustainable ways of curbing extreme inflation.

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He confirmed that his agenda is to address food insecurity by subsidizing fertilizer and other farm inputs.

Meanwhile, he suggested a food importation programme to keep the nation afloat.

State of the nation Kenya address comes at a time when the majority of Kenyans are at a standoff, particularly because of rampant inflation. It is still unclear if the opposition will sit back and trust the process.

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