BBI Report summary PDF download

BBI Report summary PDF download proposals on IEBC, PM, youths, and BBI amendment bill 2021

The Building Bridges Initiative-BBI Report Kenya has come a long way amid support and opposition. Unfortunately, many Kenyans are yet to read its content even as a possible multi-billion BBI referendum comes knocking. Stay informed with all important highlights in the much-publicized BBI Report summary.

The former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and His Excellence President Uhuru Kenyatta have consistently stood out in the BBI brigade. The two are seeking to crown their 2018 handshake with a constitutional reform through their BBI Report proposals.

What is BBI all about in Kenya?

It is now in the public domain that most of those who have been glorifying or pinning down BBI are missing its details. So far, it is clear that many Kenyans lack in-depth knowledge of the report.

Recent BBI Report highlights have drawn in more supporters even as a majorly remain at a standoff. Even so, beware of fake BBI Report Kenya pdfs circulating on social media.

BBI report Kenya (BBI bill 2020)

October 21, 2020 was a great day for the pro BBI allies. It is on this day that President Uhuru and his counterpart Raila Odinga received the final copy of BBI Report.

The two received a complete copy of this report at the Kisii State Lodge, a day after the 2020 Mashujaa Celebrations.

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Launching BBI at the Bomas of Kenya

Sources have confirmed that the head of state and the former Prime Minister will launch the long awaited BBI Report on Monday (October 26, 2020) at the Bomas of Kenya.

The handshake trip that started in 2018 is ongoing even as the country waits to pick up the BBI Report or drop it altogether.

BBI Report summary – Building Bridges Initiative

What’s in the BBI report? The report has proposed different changes relating to the judiciary, parliament, and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

What is contained in the BBI Report?

The BBI report contents are now spilling fast behind the slogan nobody can stop reggae. Finally, the analysis of the BBI Report Kenya has it all.

i. BBI Report on the prime minister

  • Expanding the executive to have a Prime Minister and 2 deputies under the office
  • Membership of the Prime Minister in the National Security Council

ii. Proposals on the parliament

  • 94 senators – a male and female senator from every county
  • 390 Members of Parliament from all the 290 constituencies

iii. Proposals on the judiciary

  • Court of appeal to deal with arising election petitions
  • A term limit of 5 years for the High Court president and Court of Appeal judges
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iv. Proposals on IEBC and petitions

  • Each party to appoint 4 representatives into IEBC
  • Petition cases on presidential elections to terminate within 30 days

v. Leader of official opposition

  • Creating office for the leader of the official opposition who shall form a shadow cabinet

BBI Report summary PDF document

Remember that it is up to every Kenyan to decide if BBI Report is useful in their lives or not.

Meanwhile, other notable BBI Report highlights include the following.

More BBI report PDF Oct 2020 details

  • Forming a youth commission to oversee issues affecting young people
  • Join the Administrative Police Service with the Kenya Police Service
  • The Kenya Police Council to replace the National Police Service Commission
  • Form the Health Service Commission
  • A grace period of 4 years for HELB beneficiaries
  • A 7-year tax break for youth-owned enterprises
  • Setting up business incubation centers

BBI Report pdf download

The BBI portal has made available all the proposed constitutional changes captured in the BBI Report. Kenyans can now freely download the BBI Report today in printable PDF format.

Furthermore, the Jisomee #BBIReport initiative aims to make available this 204-page document to every Kenyan.

BBI Report summary, PDF download

Go head and download the BBI bill pdf document to make sure you get all the facts before the referendum.

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Various BBI report highlights and proposals have sparked mixed reactions among Kenyans. For this reason, BBI civic education is necessary to bring everyone up to speed with the new reggae beats in town.

Besides the BBI report pdf download free download, there is an android application to make your reading easier and more comfortable.

The BBI Report summary exposes the true image of what Kenyans should expect from the proposed constitutional reforms. Most importantly, get yourself a full copy of all the facts you must know before supporting or opposing the BBI Report.

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