Best Secondary Schools in Kisii

25 Best Secondary Schools in Kisii & Nyamira [2024] List of Top Performers in KCSE by CS Magoha

The list of best secondary schools in Kisii and Nyamira counties is finally making headlines.

KCSE 2021 results analysis suggests high competition with minimal cases of exam irregularities.

25 Best secondary schools in Kisii & Nyamira counties

A provisional list of best secondary schools in Kisii and Nyamira Counties is as follows.

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Top on the list is St Gonzaga Gonza Isoge High School located nearby Nyansiogo town.

School Name2021
1. Gonzaga Gonza Isoge9.36
2. Nyambaria Boys9.31
3. Nyansiongo High9.30
4. Kebirigo Boys9.17
5. Nyakeore Sec9.03
6. Kisii School8.93
7. Kiage Tumaini8.90
8. Nyabururu Girls8.84
9. Nyakemincha8.84
10. Sironga Girls8.76
11. Nyakongo High8.72
12. Riokindo Boys8.6
13. Mesabakwa8.42
14. Nyakoiba Sec8.41
15. Suguta Girls8.36
16. Nyaikuro High8.046
17. Cardinal Otunga7.44
18. Kereri Girls7.3
19. Riokindo Girls7.2
20. Ichuni Girls6.63
21. Sameta Boys6.52
22. Nyabisase Mixed6.23

We will update the list when the remaining schools post their latest mean scores.

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A full list of the top 25 best secondary schools in Kisii County and Nyamira County shows improved performance. The hopes are even higher in the fast approaching 2022 KCSE results.

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