Good News Preparatory KCPE Results

Good News Preparatory KCPE Results 2024: Mean Grade, Performance Analysis & Kisii County Ranking

Good News Preparatory KCPE results 2022 are turning heads with a historical mean grade and a commendable pass rate. We have the performance analysis as released by Education CS Ezekiel Machogu.

By the roadside, in between Lenmek Hospital and Maya Holiday Point is the yellow-themed Good News Preparatory. Parents and recent candidates are in jubilation after posting a stellar performance

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Good News Preparatory results 2022

Here is the enrolment and mean grade for each subject.

Mean Score383.6

The privately owned institution recorded a mean score of 383.6 marks with the leading pupil attaining 414 marks and the last 348 marks.

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Good News Preparatory KCPE results are particularly heartwarming to all the 30 candidates awaiting placement in top-performer high schools across the country.

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