Kangwana the Boy latest videos

Kangwana the Boy latest videos with Stephen Mukangai, Rashid Abdalla, and Hassan Mwana wa Ali

Charles Kangwana the Boy with incredible broadcasting talent is fulfilling his dreams, one at a time. A recent trip to Nairobi City County gave him a rare opportunity of bragging shoulders with top Kenyan media personalities. He started with Presenter Ali before storming Radio Maisha Studios alongside Stephen Mukangai.

Kangwana, real names Charles Onkoba Onkui, is ongoing with his final year at Mosora High School. How the 17-year-old has managed to rise in the media space is beyond belief.

Stephen Mukangai and Kangwana the Boy in Radio Maisha

Kangwana Media host stepped into Radio Maisha live in studio to meet his role model Stephen Mukangai.

The veteran presenter welcomed Kangwana with a powerful introduction to suggest he has been following his decorated talent.

“Unaendesha sana; unataka Kuingia huku bana, mbona una fujo babaa?”

Stephen Mukangai Radio Maisha presenter.

Mukangai’s Swahili question loosely translates; you are working so hard fella, why are you that much aggressive?

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The excited Kangwana prompted Mukangai with a ready answer;

“Unajua… nimekosa Mukangai sana na nimekuwa nikimtafuta sana… kwa sababu watu wenyewe wamekuwa wakisema, hujawahi enda Radio Maisha? Mukangai Mwenyewe hajawahi kukuona?

Kangwana the Boy.

The well-reasoned response expresses how Kangwana has been longing to meet Mukangai in person.

It ends with a mention of supporters and how some have been pushing him to visit Mukangai.

Kangwana the Boy in Standard Media Group

The youthful Charles Kangwana could not hide his excitement during a live conversation with Stephen Mukangai.

He pointed out how Ali Hassan Kauleni opened the door for him courtesy of Standard Media Group.

Kangwana went on to list Caren Papai, Walter Kinjo, and Mike Nyagwoka Sauti ya Simba as some of his father figures.

Charles Kangwana is talented in radio or television?

An engaging voice and exceeding confidence on camera qualify Kangwana in both radio and television media.

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Charles confirmed this fact saying that he is an inborn news presenter and anchor. In addition, he has special skills in covering live sports.

For these reasons, Kangwana is a multi-talented media personality ahead of journalism and mass communication classes.  

Apart from Stephen Mukangai, Kangwana met and interacted with Jeff Mogire, Caren Papai, and Walter Kinjo.

Meeting Nicholas Kioko and Notorious Magician from Mombasa

Kangwana the Boy travelled to Nairobi on Friday, November 12, 2021, to meet his loyal fans and mainstream media personalities.

He eventually landed in Radio Maisha after a charming interview with Presenter Ali. Then came several gigs with content creator Nicholas Kioko.

A video dubbed “Notorious magician from Mombasa Shocks people in Nairobi streets” was particularly mind-blowing.

YouTubers Nicholas Kioko and Kangwana the Boy staged the video next to the Kenya National Archives, along Moi Avenue within Nairobi CBD.

Finally, Charles Kangwana met and interviewed Bomorenda Ward aspiring MCA Kevin Nyabaro.

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The Nairobi-based incoming Member of County Assembly is from Bonchari Constituency in Kisii County.

At the point of returning to Kisii on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, Kangwana had exceeded 11k subscribers on YouTube.

Charles Kangwana the Boy is a ticking talent bomb in the world of journalism. Being the youngest and most talented newsmaker is advantageous in his booming media career.

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