Kisii Boy Eyes Blinded

Kisii Boy Eyes Blinded [Photos] Bloody Gang Attack on a 3 Years Old Boy – Doctors & Detectives

Police are investigating a horrific incident which left a 3-year-old boy dumped in a banana plantation, bleeding and without eyes. Family members say the minor went missing on Thursday, December 15, 2022, only to be found in the blink of death the following morning. The painful story of a Kisii boy eyes blinded is still wrecking hearts.

Photos of the young boy, Junior Sagini, with a bloody face soaked in swatches of bandages are awash on social media – his life will never remain the same.

Kisii boy eyes blinded by unknown assailants

The boy whose eyes were gouged originates at Ikuruma village within Marani, Kisii County.

Locals are worried about the motive of the incident that left his life darkened with tingling pain.

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Speaking to the media, the boy’s grandmother, Rael Mayieka, said Junior Sagini disappeared on Thursday evening under unclear circumstances.

The charismatic young man had gone to fetch water from a nearby spring in the company of other children.

The survivor kids say Sagini threw off his jerrican and started escaping as if he had seen something dangerous. Terrified, they also sped off.

On arriving home, they told their grandmom what had happened. She immediately rushed to Sagini’s rescue to no avail.

“We tried to look for him but all our efforts proved futile. The following day, his elder brother who had gone to cut grass for the cows pounced on him in a banana plantation and he came home panting to inform us. We rushed to the scene and found the boy writhing in pain and his eyes gouged out.”

Mrs Rael Mayieka.

Found in a pool of blood, Sagini was rushed to the Kisii Eye Hospital where he was stabilized awaiting an eye socket surgery.

“Both his eyes had been removed completely, and there are some injuries in the lids…so it looks like there was a sharp instrument like a knife that was used.”

Dr Daniel Kiage.

A close relative initially arrested in connection with the attack has since been released for lack of sufficient evidence.

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Director of Criminal Investigations Mohamed Amin is now seeking to seize the accomplices in collaboration with a team of Nairobi-based detectives.

The horrendous experience that left 3-year-old Kisii boy eyes blinded is a conversation starter in a world where humanity is shrinking fast.

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