Mara Pyramid Scam

Mara Pyramid Scam! A successor of Public Likes and, Ponzi-style businesses in Kenya

The Mara Pyramid scam is eye-opening to a series of Ponzi-style businesses operating in the country. The mega scandal comes within months of another pyramid scheme dubbed Public Likes swindling billions from unsuspecting investors.

Sources say that Mara had invited Kenyans to invest money through their website with a promise of becoming overnight millionaires.

Mara Pyramid Scam, A successor of Public Likes?

Was Mara a scam? Yes, like most Pyramid schemes, Mara was a time bomb public lie designed to make away with billions at the opportune moment.

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While early investors stand to gain from such Ponzi schemes, later investors often cry foul.

Among those in distress over the sudden closure of Mara is a Kenyan who invested Ksh. 200,000 in the hope of earning Ksh. 1 million in a week.

Sadly, the platform was closed hours to the point of becoming a millionaire. On trying to access his account, the site was no longer accessible.

Public Likes allegedly embezzled at least 2 billion, a figure close to what Mara traders lost on February 5th, 2024.

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For the record, scammers often employ clever strategies meant to attract and plant confidence among potential investors.

Swindling happens at the point when the owners have accumulated a considerable amount from deposits channeled in from new members. It is interesting how a majority of unsuspecting Kenyans keep losing their hard-earned money despite prior warnings from authorities.

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