Onsongo Omosongo biography

5 Profile facts in Onsongo Omosongo biography, photos, funeral and best songs with Bana Sungusia

Onsongo Omosongo real name Bernard Onsongo Omwansa is a fallen Bana Sungusia Band singer with an admirable legacy in Kisii music. His unceasing fame stems from a long list of street banger songs and albums. Looking within Onsongo Omosongo biography is a tearful and colourful life history.

Nyamira politician Onsongo Omosongo doubles up as a founding father of benga tunes. In his videos is a blend of touching vocals and exceeding charisma.

5 untold facts in Onsongo Omosongo biography

Onsongo Omosongo is the best Gusii benga musician from the days of Bana Sungusia original.

For this reason, upcoming Gusii artists look up to his awakening compositions.

1. Onsongo Omosongo home is in West Mugirango, Nyamira County

The late Onsongo Omosongo home is in Bogichora Ward within West Mugirango Constituency, Nyamira County.

He was a firstborn son in the Omwansa family, born and raised within Bobembe Village.

Onsongo mother Risper Omwansa, brother Erick Omwansa, wife, and children recount that he was a heroic figure in their family.

2. Vocalist Onsongo is co-founder of Bana Sungusia Band

Momanyi Kenyatta teamed up with Onsongo to start Bana Sungusia in the early 90s.

The two benga music stars introduced and trained more singers among them guitarists and drummers.

Among other music products of Onsongo are Job Mayenga, Nicholas Nyakundi, Shem, and former band manager Willy Manyinsa.

3. Onsongo was a councillor of Bogichora Ward between 2007 and 2013

Musician Onsongo Omosongo was a councillor of Nyamira County between 2007 and 2013.

Fellow band members and voters of Bogichora ward admit that Onsongo was an exemplary leader.

4. Onsongo died in 2017 at the age of 45 years

Born in 1971, Onsongo died on September 21, 2017, at the age of 45 years.

The multi-talented Onsongo died at St Francis hospital in Kasarani, Nairobi County.

Sungusia Band organizing secretary Diblo Ntabo Mose, now manager, recalls taking care of Onsongo throughout his sickly stay at the hospital.

Sadly, Onsongo died after battling a long-time illness. On the same day died Joel Onyancha, the former MP of Bomachoge Borabu Constituency.

Following the fateful death, Onsongo was transferred to Nairobi University, Chiromo Mortuary Parlor before proceeding to his ancestral home in Kisii for burial.

Died without a house?

Some sources allege that the renowned singer and politician died before erecting a house for himself and family.

As a result, Onsongo Omosongo funeral plans were delayed by one week to give room for the construction process.

Top Gusii celebrities who facilitated the send-off include Nyambega Gisesa, Fenny Kerubo, Douglas Otiso, and Rebecca Thomas.

5. Onsongo Omosongo Bana Sungusia songs are still hitmakers

Onsongo Omosongo songs such as Amasomo and My Boss are lyrical to this day.

Other celebrated Bana Sungusia songs include Nyangwono, Nyaboke, Douglas Makambo, Abarandia, and Mokoyone.

Most importantly, these emotional tracks make a better part of playlists in Gusii vernacular radio and television stations.

Onsongo Omosongo biography reflects a life well lived amid struggles and successes. It is the life story of a man who rose to fame and power from humble beginnings in the now-defunct Bogichora County council.