Raila Odinga Malema Warship

Raila Odinga Malema Warship Escalates amid Nationwide Protests in Kenya and South Africa 2023

Raila Odinga Malema warship is a cause of contention given that both leaders are seasoned freedom fighters in their countries. The 42 years old EFF Party leader, Julius Malema, is often unafraid of picking cross-border fights.

Malema has previously called out Raila for misleading Kenyans against the legitimately elected Government of William Ruto.

Raila Odinga Malema Warship

Speaking at FNB Stadium, during the EFF’s 10th Anniversary Rally held in July 2023, Malema expressed his displeasure with Raila Odinga.

He disputed Raila’s protests citing them as a disruption of the prevailing peace.  

“Comrades, we want to make a call in Kenya, especially to comrade Raila Odinga. Stop doing what you’re doing.

Do not disrupt Kenya, we need peace in Kenya. President William Ruto was democratically elected in Kenya. I will not allow you to use the people of Kenya to destabilise the peace of Kenya.”

Julius Malema.

Malema is particularly faulting Raila for not accepting election results.

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He says the ODM Party leader is seeking personal interests as opposed to prosperity for all.

“Accept and move on. Raila Odinga should accept the results of the elections and act with restraint with their supporters. It should never be in the name of any presidential candidate. Kenyans must love their country more than loving individuals.”

Julius Malema.

Political analysts have found similarities between Raila and Malema. These include readiness to offend those in power by criticizing their governance.

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Raila Odinga is yet to address Malema following his disputed stand on the ongoing Maandamano in Kenya.

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