Reasons for Raila Odinga Mass Protest

15 Reasons for Raila Odinga Mass Protest: 2023 Economic Uprising on President Ruto & DP Gachagua

Azimio La Umoja leader Raila Odinga recently declared a nationwide mass protest following the lapse of the 14-day ultimatum issued to President William Ruto. As we have it, the former premier will not retract until the head of state responds to the steadily increasing cost of living. Enlisted are 15 reasons for Raila Odinga mass protest.

The momentous demonstration is set for March 20th, 2023 at Nairobi City County. In his defence, Raila said it is constitutionally rightful to launch a massive, peaceful and defiant protest against an incompetent and “illegitimate” government.

15 Reasons for Raila Odinga mass protest

Speaking at Jaramogo Oginga Odinga Foundation, the ODM kingpin cited 15 reasons for the underway peaceful protest. 

Political analysts say it will be one of its kind since independence.

1. High cost of living

Raila stated that there is a need to protest the high cost of living caused by the massive looting of public resources.

He insists that the crisis was occasioned by the withdrawal of food, fuel, and education subsidies.

2. Reduction of taxes levied on Kenyans

The opposition leader and his followers maintain that over-taxation in the Kenya Kwanza government is killing businesses.

As a result, it is becoming harder for hustlers to explore more opportunities for economic prosperity.

3. Protesting importation of GMO food

The opposition is sceptical about Ruto’s plan to import genetically modified food supplies.

They strongly believe the initiative is unsafe, and a threat to the country’s food basket.

Even worse, Azimio supporters are afraid that GMO food will enslave agriculturally productive Kenyans to the profit-thirsty American multinationals.

4. Exposing electoral deceit

Raila is unhappy with the government refusing to open IEBC servers.

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He believes that the times when the will of a people was disposable are long gone.

5. Settling conflict of interest in reconstituting IEBC

The retirement of IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati left his embattled seat vacant and due for immediate replacement before the 2027 general election.

“The victimization of Commissioners Marsit, Cherera, Nyang’aya and Wanderi for standing with the truth against Chebukati and his cabal is an electoral theft and their removal from office through a Kangaroo tribunal was actually meant to create a Willam Ruto IEBC.”

Opposition Leader, Raila Odinga.

Most importantly, Raila declared war against Kenya Kwanza for allegedly attempting to single-handedly reconstitute the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

6. A quest to end judicial thuggery

Members of the opposition are yet to accept defeat since IEBC declared William Ruto President-elect.

His win would be upheld in a supreme high court ruling chaired by Chief Justice Martha Koome.

Raila believes that ‘Ruto must Go’ because his illegitimate presidency is an outcome of judicial thuggery.

7. Fights against gross dictatorship

Raila, in the spirit of democracy, is on record for accusing president Ruto of dictatorship.

“Ruto is buying the legislature, influencing the Supreme Court and the sole executive decision maker. This is a dangerous dictator that must not be allowed even a single extra minute in public office.”

ODM leader, Raila Odinga.

As we have it, he can no longer tolerate the allegedly ongoing consolidation of power, otherwise meant for independent organs of the government including the judiciary and legislature.

8. Fighting tribalism in senior government positions

Odinga claims that for the first time, Kenya is facing a two-tribe regime because only two communities are getting appointments to public service.

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He, therefore, wants to occasion nationwide awareness of Ruto’s questionable appointments into sensitive state offices.

9. Unmasking religious covers on political rots

The five times presidential aspirant is afraid that Ruto is on the roadmap to creating a divided Kenya with the deepest cracks along ethnic and religious lines.

He believes going to the streets will save millions of Kenyans from the oncoming crisis.

10. Addressing the victimization of opposition officials

The quest for democracy and freedom of speech touches Raila Odinga’s political legacy since the 80s.

That said, nothing pains him more than seeing a fellow Kenyan undergoing undeserved political persecution.

11. Protecting the role of opposition in government

To weaken the opposition, Raila says Ruto is fuelling targeted sacking and firing of legitimate public appointments.

The retired PM is uncomfortable with Ruto’s approach to state governance.

12. Revisiting the heinous murder of ICC witnesses

The opposition attests that stopping the case of ICC witness murders did not relieve the pain suffered by the victims.

“Kenyans will never forget the painful murder of Yebei, Gicheru and the burning of innocent children and women in a church in Kiambaa. Neither will they forget the deaths of Jacob Juma, Musando and others.”

Hon Raila Odinga.

Raila says the oncoming protest is a perfect opportunity to expose culprits for their crimes against humanity.

13. Misappropriation of public resources

Raila says that the grabbing of public land in Ruai, a section of Ngong’ forest, part of Eldoret Municipality, part of Lang’ata primary and many other public utilities can no longer be tolerated by Kenyans.

14. Resisting unconstitutional offices

The vocal Azimio leader is against Kenya Kwanza creating unconstitutional offices and expecting taxpayers to shoulder the resulting wage bill.

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According to him, the illegal offices are only meant to reward allies as opposed to serving Kenyans.

15. Questioning the integrity of DP Rigathi Gachagua

Raila continues to challenge the integrity of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua citing gross misconduct.

He has previously called him out for alleged mismanagement of relief food while serving as a District Officer in Laikipia County.

Odinga added that Gachagua is unsuitable and incompetent to hold the office of Second in Command.

President Ruto’s strategy to counter Raila’s mass protest

Provoking the Kenyatta-Odinga bond has lately brought the Kenya Kwanza administration on high alert.

As we speak, top priorities include lessening the hunt-down on senior opposition members and attempting to reverse inflation.

Meanwhile, former Vice President Moody Awori thinks that the Opposition leader Raila Odinga should call off protest rallies and accept that William Ruto is Kenya’s fifth president.

The declaration of 15 reasons for Raila Odinga mass protest is slowly gaining momentum amid tough economic times. On his side, Raila says he is ready to protest until the voice of Kenyans is loud enough.

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