Outcry over Teachers Salary Delay in Kenya

Outcry over Teachers Salary Delay in Kenya: Collective Bargaining Agreement & Pay Rise Talks

TSC has hinted at a possible teachers salary delay in Kenya amid the ongoing pay rise talks. The employer said that August remuneration will be released as soon as the salary scale agreement is settled.

As a result, teachers will receive their August pay later than usual.

Outcry over teachers salary delay in Kenya

TSC is yet to release pay slips pending intensive engagements with stakeholders including KNUT, KUPPET, and the Ministry of Education.

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Even so, teachers are expecting an upgraded pay backdated to July 1, 2023.

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission will soon cash all educators having approved the pay rise of up to 9.5 percent.

KUPPET and KNUT secretaries-general Akello Misori and Collins Oyuu insist on an even higher salary increment.

While KUPPET wants a salary hike of between 30 and 70 per cent, KNUT wants a 60 per cent increase across the board.

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Officials say that the teachers salary delay in Kenya was occasioned by negotiations and tough economic times in the country.

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