Where is Safaricom Located

Where is Safaricom Located? Westlands, Nairobi City Headquarters, Direction & Regional Addresses

Where Is Safaricom located? Safaricom headquarters in Nairobi City County sits within Safaricom House in Westlands Estate along Waiyaki Way. The multi-billion company is highly accessible from the capital.

Safaricom headquarters Westlands serve multiple states including Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, Egypt, Lesotho, Mozambique, DRC, and Tanzania to name a few.

Where is Safaricom located? Westlands Nairobi

Founded in 1993, Safaricom PLC is a leading telecommunication company in the country.

Its CEO Peter Ndegwa is proud of the continued progress initiated by recent executives Bob Collymore and Michael Joseph.

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Which country is Safaricom from?

Safaricom PLC is a Kenyan-based company with head offices in Westlands, Nairobi.

The firm has an exceeding presence in all 47 counties with at least 100 shops countrywide.

Within the vicinity of Safaricom headquarters are Michael Joseph Centre and MPesa Foundation Academy.

Safaricom PLC profile

HeadquartersWestlands, Nairobi
EmployeesAt least 7,000
Safaricom ChairmanAdil Khawaja
Safaricom CEOPeter Ndegwa

What is Safaricom CEO’s salary? Peter Ndegwa annual salary is Ksh. 310 million.

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The amount includes an annual salary of Ksh. 95 million, bonuses of Ksh. 196 million, and non-cash benefits worth Ksh. 22 million.

The centrality of Safaricom PLC in Westlands, Nairobi is strategic for both accessibility and competitiveness in telecommunication services.

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