Nancy Macharia Biography: Age, Husband, Children, Tribe, Education, & Rise to Become TSC CEO

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Photo: Nancy Macharia Biography - Age, Husband, Children, Tribe, Education, & Rise to Become TSC CEO . SRC: @FontsKenya

The incumbent Teachers Service Commission boss is one of the most accomplished executives in the Ministry of Education. Nancy Macharia biography tells us more about her personal life and key dealings with TSC.

Has Nancy Macharia retired? TSC clarified that Macharia will be retiring in 2025. She is currently in office following a 5-year extension of her term in 2020, by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Nancy Macharia profile summary

Real namesNancy Njeri Macharia
Age60 years

Nancy Macharia biography

How old is Nancy Macharia? TSC CEO Nancy Njeri Macharia is 60 years old as of 2023.

She is a teacher by profession with ancestry in the Akikuyu-dominated central Kenya.

Is Nancy Macharia married? Yes, but the photos of Nancy Macharia’s spouse, children, and extended family members are scarce on the internet.

Education History

Nancy Macharia is an alumna of Kenyatta University where she majored in a Bachelor of Education Arts, English Literature.

On graduation in 1987, she worked as a teacher at Kahuhia Secondary School in Muranga for 5 years.

Macharia later received a promotion to become deputy head teacher at Kianderi Girls Secondary School in Muranga County.

About the same time she pursued a Master of Education degree in Policy and Management at Bristol University in the United Kingdom.

As we speak, she is a professional in corporate governance, policy formation, public procurement, business excellence models, and information technology.

Nancy Macharia on becoming TSC CEO

In 2015, Nancy Macharia contested for the vacancy of Teacher Service Commission chief executive officer against 69 candidates.

She received an appointment as the 9th CEO following a successful interview.

SRC records averages the salary of Nancy Macharia at Ksh. 500,000 monthly excluding six figure allowances.

Her predecessors include;

2003–2004James Ongwae
1998–2003Benjamin Sogomo
1982–1998Jackson Kang’ali
1980–1982Joseph Lijembe
1978–1980Duncan Mwangi
1974–1977James Kamunge
1967–1974Jesse Muhoro

TSC Contacts

Telephone0777 208 552
Mobile0722 208 552
Tel(020) 289-2000
AddressTSC House, Kilimanjaro Av

Visit TSC House along Kilimanjaro Avenue or call customer care for help

Nancy Macharia Biography sparks admiration among fellow educators who look up to her leadership.

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