Tough economic times call for a steady flow of income regardless of one’s employment status. For that reason, it is prudent to pick a side hustle that can keep you at peace in times of financial distress. Featured in our list are the best part time jobs in Kenya.
A majority of part-time opportunities are suitable for both students and those on the payroll. While a section of them are less demanding, others are resource and time intensive.
20 Best part time jobs in Kenya
Starting capital is not a requirement for most part-time jobs with significant returns.
Instead, you need passion and commitment to become a successful own boss.
1. Freelance academic and content writing
Academic writing is the number one side hustle for most Kenyan graduates. It entails converting one’s language and research skills into quick bucks.
Starting academic writing is easy with your online account or a friend with ready jobs in their accounts.
Profitable writing accounts cost about Ksh. 200,000 depending on ratings and frequency of jobs. Luckily, there are free options such as,, and
For the record, hired writers normally earn between KSh. 250 and Ksh. 350, sometimes more.
Another form of writing is content creation in which you can write blog posts at an agreed fee.
Alternatively, you can start a personal blog website for as low as Ksh. 10,000 and smile your way to the bank within a few months.
2. Vlogging – YouTube content creator
YouTube is by far the commonest vlogging site in Kenya where anyone with engaging content can become an overnight millionaire.
The best example is Mungai Eve and her boyfriend Trevor who recently started on the streets with a cheap smartphone and a lapel microphone.
They are now banking a six-figure income from YouTube Adsense and top brands in the country.
Pick an original idea and start vlogging with a free YouTube Channel.
3. Tutoring others on special skills
We all have special skills that can earn a living if only we knew best how to use them. These include coaching others on critical areas of study such as cooking, programming, and website design.
The list extends to mentorship programmes for students and service-level assistance in organizations.
Tutoring is crucial because you can as well help others with ‘Do It Yourself’ videos on social media.
Start small with your friends and pay attention to extending your network for more returns.
4. Transcription, data entry, and surveys
Typesetting and transcription are well jobs in most companies with frequent engagements.
Some of the sites with these office assistant prospects include Fiverr and Upwork.
Transcription entails listening to audio and converting it into text. On the other hand, data entry is all about converting handwritten text into a digital format for ease of use or further analysis.
Surveys can as well attract an extra paycheck if done consistently. Well-paying survey sites include InboxDollars, Swagbucks, and OneOpinion.
5. Skill-based entrepreneurship
Hobbies are the best way to kick start a part-time income stream with the potential of turning into a full-time job.
Become richer with your knitting skills, crazy farming ideas, and experience in graphic design. Monetizing your hobby will not only bring you more money but also inner fulfilment.
Full list of best part time jobs in Kenya
Those looking for part time jobs in Nairobi with no experience can start with the following options.
- Affiliate marketing
- Taxi business
- Web management
- Digital marketing
- Software design
- Social media expert
- Provide customer service
- Become a delivery person
- Work as a caretaker
- Open a Salon/Hairdresser
- Safaricom part-time jobs for students
Look around your neighbourhood for even more market gaps.
The bottom line for each of the best part time jobs in Kenya is self-determination towards set goals.
I explore diverse topics with clarity to keep you informed and your businesses profitable. Besides, I am a website developer, ICT consultant, and graduate mechatronics engineer. Lets Chat on WhatsApp.