Charlene Ruto Contacts

Charlene Ruto Contacts: Phone Numbers, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Website, and Email Address

First daughter Charlene Chelagat is lately a newsmaker for her unending trips and massive community engagement tours. She is particularly trending for her simplicity and sociable tendencies. Charlene Ruto contacts are handy for all.

Apart from serving as director and public relations and Branding boss at President Rutoโ€™s Weston Hotel, Charlene is a determined youth activist. She is above all a Climate Change Action Champion.

Charlene Ruto contacts

Phone number
FacebookCharlene Ruto
LinkedInCharlene Chelagat

The first daughter takes pride in her extended career as a volunteer and employee in the following institutions.

  • 2018 โ€“ Present: Director & PR and Branding at Weston Hotel Nairobi
  • 2017 โ€“ 2018: Graduate Student at Les Roches Global Hospitality Education – Bluche, Switzerland
  • 2015 โ€“ 2017: Public Relations and Media Relations Officer at MODE – Mobile Decisioning Holding Ltd
  • 2015: PR and Media Relations Intern at Mobile Decisioning Africa Ltd
  • 2012 โ€“ 2013: Foreign Exchange student at Northwestern College

Charlene Ruto joined the career market upon graduating from Daystar University in 2011 with a Bachelorโ€™s Degree in Communication.

She has previously volunteered as a primary school teacher and a church youth minister.

As we speak, Charlene Ruto is a Masterโ€™s Degree holder in Business Administration.

Charlene Ruto contacts are resourceful for her staunch followers and interested parties. Luckily, she spares no class of persons.