Why CS Murkomen Dismissed KAA Boss

Reasons Why CS Murkomen Dismissed KAA Boss Francis Gitaru, Henry Ogoye Appointed as Acting MD

Following the blackout that grounded activities at the JKIA in Nairobi, CS Murkomen dismissed KAA Boss Francis Gitaru. In his place, Mr Henry Ogoye was appointed as the acting managing director of the Kenya Airports Authority. The changes have since sparked mixed reactions online, with netizens questioning the real reason behind his dismissal. 

Murkomen, who apologized for the blackout on his social media promised to announce a decision that will be reached after a meeting with top leadership of the airport.

Why Murkomen Dismissed KAA Boss

The JKIA was a gloomy field for passengers travelling on the Friday night of August 25, 2023.

Photos shared by the passengers portrayed grave darkness, the only visible light at that time being emitted from mobile phones around.

The travellers were left stranded following the blackout with no hint of what would follow.

CS Murkomen expressed his dismay and swiftly moved to terminate Gitari’s contract, as well as that of Fred Odawo the Engineering manager.  

 “I am really sorry for what has happened at JKIA with the blackout. There is no excuse worth reporting and there is no reason why our airport is in darkness,”

Murkomen shared

Hence, Gitari’s contract was terminated due to the lack of a backup power source at the JKIA following the nationwide power outage.

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At the same time, Selina Gor was appointed as the new JKIA Manager. Abel Gogo as the Mombasa Airport manager and Peter Wafula moved to Kisumu International Airport as Manager.

Murkomen Vs Kabando Wa Kabando Over the Sacking

Former Mukurweini MP Kabando Wa Kabando has engaged in a war of words with CS Murkomen over the sacking of the KAA boss.

Kabando claimed that Ruto’s government was hell-bent on axing Gitari. And that Ruto’s men should be blamed for the mess.

“It was already in the books that Ruto’s UDA was craving to out KAA MD Alex Gitari. The excuse to sack him arrived last night. Rais won’t sack his men – CS Murkomen & CS Chirchir. Sacred cows uncocking whisky at KPLC, KAA. We need Ruto to succeed but he’s tribal, inept, chaotic,”

Kabando shared.

In response to these claims, Murkomen said the former legislature is obsessed with the “mtu wetu” syndrome daring him to apply for the MD’s position.

“You are suffering from acute mtu yetu syndrome even where it is completely unnecessary. You don’t know me, I will deal with all the state departments and agencies under me professionally and I do not care about your tribe, I want results. Period!”

Murkomen tweeted

The nationwide KPLC blackout which left the country in the dark for over 15 hours was caused by a disturbance in one of the main power-generating stations.

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In a nutshell, power failure and lack of a standby backup generator at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport are said to be the main reasons why the CS dismissed KAA boss Francis Gitaru. 

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