Disputed IEBC Election Results

Disputed IEBC Election Results [2022] Hot Presidential Race between Raila Odinga & William Ruto

In Kenya, disputed IEBC election results keep the nation in suspense amid routine briefs by the electoral chair Wafula Chebukati. Meanwhile, verified figures from the recently held August polls are expected to determine the 5th president ahead of the Monday deadline.

The August 9th, 2022 polls ended peacefully with minimal cases of malpractice. As a result, most winner governors, senators, women reps, and members of the county assembly have been confirmed. And now, the country awaits the declaration of the Commander in Chief to replace the retiring president Uhuru Kenyatta.

3 Strange facts: disputed IEBC election results

The much-awaited neck and neck election outcome indicates a two-horse race between ODM leader Raila Odinga and UDA flag bearer William Ruto.

In between mounting anticipation are three strange facts that you should not ignore;

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1. National average voter turnout was 65%

How many voters voted in Kenya 2022? IEBC record shows that there are 22.12 million registered voters in the country.

Unfortunately, only 65 per cent of those registered turned up at various polling stations to choose their preferred leaders in various political seats.

Summarised is a critical comparison of figures as read directly from national registries.

IEBC Report20172022
Registered voters19.6 million22.1 million
Polling stations40,88346,232
Voters turnout80%65%

While the number of registered voters increased by 12.79% between 2017 and 2022, the voter turnout declined by 15%.

2. Parallel tallying by political parties and media houses

According to Malcolm Webb of Al Jazeera English, it is the first time that all registered political parties and media houses have been allowed to run parallel tallying centres.

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Collins Kiprono who is head of William Ruto’s elite tallying centre says the Kenya Kwanza tallying process is at advanced levels.

Other noticeable tallying centres include those of Azimio la Umoja, Citizen Television, Nation Media, and KTN Kenya.

Malcolm says that parallel tallying centres will not only make it harder to rig the elections but also easier to prove any rigging claims.

3. Disputed IEBC election results & manual electronic system

Kenya’s electronic voting system has been previously criticised for being unreliable and erroneous in transmitting poll results.

The Supreme Court ruled there were irregularities in its transmission of data. The courts would rule the inclusion of a manual electronic system to back up the necessary forensic audits.

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Tight competition between Raila Odinga and William Ruto means a somewhat disputed IEBC election results 2022. As we speak, normal businesses are at a standstill awaiting the IEBC declaration of the fifth president.

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