List of 9 Elected MPs in Kisii County

List of 9 Elected MPs in Kisii County 2022/2027 Constituencies & Members of Parliament in Kenya

Each of the 47 counties in Kenya depends on the national government for political and social stability. At the core are Members of Parliament with a primary role of representing their constituents in national affairs. Presented below is a list of elected MPs in Kisii County.

The government of William Ruto and Rigathi Gachagua is powered by 349 lawmakers. To the right wing is the long-embattled judiciary headed by Chief Justice Martha Koome. Here are some of the parliamentarians from the recently concluded August Polls.

List of 9 elected MPs in Kisii County

The green belt Kisii County is a making of 9 constituencies, 11 sub-counties, and 45 wards.

We look at the constituency bosses and what sets them apart.

1. Bonchari Constituency – Hon Charles Onchoke

Hon Charles formerly a business manager at Texas Tech University represents the people of Bonchari Constituency in the National Assembly.

The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Party politician serves a population of about 144,000.

Most importantly, he oversees development projects in 4 wards, 5 locations, and 14 sub-locations.

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2. Bobasi Constituency – Hon Innocent Obiri

Innocent Obiri defended his seat in the 2022 election with the Wiper party.

He previously worked as a quantity surveyor before the 2017 general election on a People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

Bobasi Constituency has eight wards namely Nyacheki, Sameta, Boitangare, Bassi Bogetario, Bassi Central, Masige East, and Masige West. 

3.  Bomachoge Borabu – Hon Obadiah Barongo

Engineer Obadiah Barongo was elected under the renowned ODM party.

The young and energetic Obadiah Barongo succeeded veteran Zadoc Ogugu.

In Borabu are 4 wards among them Borabu Masaba, Bokimonge, Magenche, and Boochi Borabu.

4. Bomachoge Chache – Hon Alfah Miruka

The soft-spoken Alfah Miruka defended his seat under the ruling UDA Party. He was formerly a member of the Kenya National Congress (KNC).

Bomachoge Chache has 3 wards including Majoge Bassi, Bosoti Sengera, and Boochi Tendere.

5. South Mugirango – Hon Silvanus Osoro

The youthful Silvanus Osoro is representing the people of South Mugirango for the second term in a row.

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Sylvanus is a close ally of the current president, Dr William Ruto.

He defended the much-coveted seat through the yellow-themed UDA Party. 6 wards that makeup South Mugirango are Bogetenga, Boikanga, Tabaka, Moticho, Getenga, and Borabu-Chitago.

6. Nyaribari Masaba – Hon Daniel Manduku

Hon Daniel Manduku took over from Education CS Ezekiel Machogu of the NAPK Party.

Nyaribari Masaba Wards are Ichuni, Nyamasibi, MAsimba, Gesusu, and Kiamokama.

7. Nyaribari Chache – Hon Zaheer Jhanda

Tycoon Zaheer Jhanda of UDA is by far the most outspoken of all elected MPS in Kisii County.

In Nyaribari Chache Constituency are six electoral wards including Bobaracho, Ibeno, Kiogoro, Birongo, Keumbu, and Kisii Central.

8. Kitutu Chache South – Hon Antony Kibagendi

ODM decorated Antony Kibagendi succeeded the three times elected Richard Onyonka who is now a Senator of Kisii County.

In his administrative region are 5 wards – Bogeka, Nyakoe, Nyatieko, Bogusero and Kitutu Central.

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9. Kitutu Chache North – Hon Japhet Nyakundi

Hon Japhet of the UDA Party represents Kitutu Chache constituents in the national assembly.

The 4 wards in the constituency comprise Sensi, Mwamonari, Munyerero and Marani Wards.

The above list of elected MPS in Kisii County shows a fair distribution of political parties with an abundance of new faces.

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