Gosiame Thamara Sithole biography

Gosiame Thamara Sithole biography: 37 year old South African woman who gave birth to decuplets

Imagine receiving up to ten children from a single pregnancy! This is the case for a 37 years old South African woman who delivered decuplets on June 7, 2021. Gosiame Thamara Sithole biography has revealed that she is now raising 7 boys, 3 girls, and an earlier set of 6 years old twins. Gosiame is surely on another level of motherhood.

Many of us are singletons without a clue on the joy of multiple births. We often celebrate twins and occasionally triplets, but decuplets are almost unimaginable. Nevertheless, Gosiame Thamara brings this strange reality home with rare photos of her 10 little angels.

Gosiame Thamara Sithole biography with pictures

The proud mother of 6 years old twins and recently born decuplets has pushed Halima Cisse’s limit of 9 babies a notch higher.

Here is what we know about her life story and relationships.

How old is Gosiame Thamara Sithole?

Gosiame Thamara Sithole age is 37 years as of 2021 indicating she was born about 1984.

Further details about her birthday and those of her close family members are underway.

Ethnicity and nationality

Gosiame Thamara Sithole is a South African national with origins in Thembisa Township.

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She hails from Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality city.

Gosiame Thamara husband and family background

Teboho Tsotetsi is husband to Gosiame Thamara and a father of the decuplets.

In addition, the lovely couple is raising twins.

As a result, the happy marriage of Gosiame is now on the spot and widely admirable.

Teboho Tsotetsi and Gosiame Thamara children – decuplets

The young and blessed family of Gosiame has 12 children, including twins and decuplets.

It must be a joy having them all from only two births.

Caesarean delivery by 10 doctors and 25 nurses

Giving birth to 10 babies at once was both challenging and risky for Gosiame Thamara.  

For this reason a team of 10 doctors and 25 nurses joined hands in ensuring a successful caesarean section delivery.

Luckily, Gosiame’s naturally conceived babies are all safe and under observation.  

Gosiame delivering 10 children instead of 8

Earlier medical records have confirmed that Gosiame was scanned with 6 children.

Later records confirmed two more, bringing her maternal expectations to 8 babies.

Surprisingly, the labour room saw her delivering 10 healthy children at once after 29 weeks.

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The underage-born decuplets will spend the next few months incubated before leaving the hospital.

The happy and emotional Teboho Tsotetsi is all excited with the good news about his wife and 10 new-borns.

Pregnancy experiences of Gosiame Thamara

Regular heartburns and leg pains are among the sickly conditions that Gosiame Thamara experienced in her initial trimesters.

She has narrated doubting the safety of her unborn babies.

Lindiwe Mazibuko’s National Baby Shower calls

Former musician and parliamentarian Lindiwe Mazibuko has called for a national baby shower.

The Swazi-born South African queen is among those who have celebrated Gosiame Thamara Sithole and her 10 babies with gifts.

Gosiame Thamara career profile

The beautiful Gosiame Thamara Sithole is a retail store manager within Gauteng in South Africa.

It is clear enough that she will need the hand of a Good Samaritan to raise her now ballooned young family.

Gosiame Thamara in the Guinness Book of Records?

Decuplets mother, Gosiame Thamara Sithole, is the Guinness World Record holder for delivering more children than anyone else.

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Gosiame claimed the record from Halima Cisse and her husband Kader Arby.

The 25 years old Halima Cisse from Mali entered the Guinness book of record on May 4, 2021 after delivering nonuplets at a Morocco based hospital. 

It is barely a month and boom, we have Gosiame Thamara with bouncing decuplets.

Gosiame Thamara Sithole biography reveals that she comes from a humble background with plentiful of blessings. Most importantly, she is now a Guinness World Record holder with adorable decuplets in her arms.

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