Halima Cisse biography

Halima Cisse biography (wiki): nonuplets, husband Arby, 25 years old Malian woman 9 baby names

Who is Halima Cisse? She is a 25 years old Malian woman who gave birth to nonuplets at Morocco. Her delivery occurred at a Casablanca based medical centre called Ain Borja Clinic. She was initially expecting 7 children only to give birth to 9 little angels. Halima Cisse biography hints that she will be entering in the Guinness Book of Records 2021.

The story of Halima Cisse is one of a lucky woman with a fruitful womb. She is officially a mother of nine after breaking the labour room records.

Halima Cisse profiles summary

  • Real name: Halima Cisse
  • Popularly: Nonuplets mum
  • Date of birth: March 21, 1996
  • Birth sign: Aries
  • Birthplace: Timbuktu City, Mali
  • Halima Cisse age: 29 years
  • Ethnicity: Malian
  • Nationality: Mali (Western Africa)
  • Husband: Adjudant Kader Arby
  • Mrs Halima Cisse children: 10
  • Halima Cisse daughters: 6
  • Halima Cisse sons: 4
  • Years active: Since May 4, 2021
  • Relationship status: Married

Halima Cisse is famous for giving birth to 9 children at ago, breaking all time successful child bearing records.

Malian woman Halima Cisse biography with pictures 

The exciting profile of Halima Cisse and her nine children is taking the world by storm.  

Halima Cisse pictures are particularly notable because of glowing smiles on her face.

More so, it is the emotional touch of their story making rounds on social media.

How old in Halima Cisse?

Halima Cisse age is 29 years old as of 2024. She celebrates her birthdays on 21st of March every year.

The gorgeous mother of nine was born on March 21, 1996. Elsewhere, the youthful Halima is a lucky woman in her mid-twenties.

Halima Cisse children – Halima Cisse babies

Mrs Halima and Adjudant Kader Arby have 10 children including an elder daughter.

The recent multiple birth brings the count of their young ones to six daughters and four sons.

Halima Cisse natural pregnancy

The news making pregnancy of Halima excited the world and even more after giving birth to nine babies instead of seven as earlier pronounced.

Her famous pregnancy is particular exciting to the hands on medical professionals.

Halima Cisse baby names revealed

Adjudant Kader Arby and wife Halima Cisse have already given their nine new born children adorable names.

Halima Cisseโ€™s five baby girl names

  • Hawa
  • Adama
  • Fatouma
  • Oumou
  • Kadidia

Halima Cisseโ€™s four baby boy names

  • Bah
  • Elhadji
  • Oumar 
  • Mohamed

All the nine children were delivered through caesarean section, about 30 weeks into Halima Cisseโ€™s pregnancy

Is it possible to have Nonuplets?

Yes, it is possible to have nine children at once. Multiple births are common but only a few have managed to deliver 9 babies.

Stats indicate that the number of women giving birth to more than one children has been increasing over the years.

What is 9 babies born at once called?

Nine babies born in a single delivery are called nonuplets. The cases of women delivering nine children are, however, rare.

The story of Halima Cisse Mali nonuplets is still trending with an outpouring of love.

Who had nine babies? Halima Cisse nonuplets

The world has already recorded three cases of nonuplets in history with the recent one being that of a 25 year old Malian woman, Halima Cisse.

Previous cases of nonuplets happened in 1971 at Australia and in 1999 at Malaysia. Sadly, none of the youngsters in both cases survived into months.

Who gave birth to the most babies?

Feodor Vassilyev and his unnamed wife are a couple that has ever given birth to the highest number of children.

Who had 69 babies? Feodor and wife sired a total of 69 children among them, sixteen twins, seven triplets, and four quadruplets.

What is the record for most babies born to one woman?

Halima Cisse nonuplets qualify her as a woman with more children in a single birth in history.

She takes over from the American octomom, Nadya Suleman, who delivered 8 healthy children in 2009.

The list of multiple births is endless with exceedingly fertile women from various parts of the world.

Notably, Halima Cisse and Nadya Suleman delivered their children prematurely and through caesarean section.

Halima Cisse husband Adjudant Kader Arby excited

Kader Arby is husband to Halima Cisse and the father of nine children born in a single delivery at Morocco.

Profile facts indicate that Kader Arby age is 35 years as of 2021. He is ongoing with celebrations of receiving nonuplets with Halima.

“God gave us these children. He is the one to decide what will happen to them. I’m not worried about that. When the almighty does something, he knows why”

Adjudant Kader Arby . SRC: BBC

Halima Cisse natural conception and delivery news have confirmed that Kader Arby is a happy father of the nonuplets.

The trending story of Halima Cisse babies

Halima Cisse gave birth to nonuplets on May 4, 2021 at Morocco. Her news-making delivery story has spread worldwide.

The doctorsโ€™ report on the nonuplets

Prof Youssef Alaoui, a medical director at Ain Borja clinic is among 25 paramedics and 10 doctors who ensured Halimaโ€™s safe delivery.

Hands on health workers described the delivery, a rare and risky case in the medical field.  

Halima Cisse 25, nonuplets or septuplets?

Initial scans indicated that Halima was expecting septuplets, 7 children.

In the end, Cisseโ€™s pregnancy excited many with nonuplets.

“Everybody called me! Everybody called! The Malian authorities called expressing their joy. I thank themโ€ฆ Even the president called me”

Adjudant Kader Arby . SRC: BBC

Even so, admirers are keenly investigating the life story of Halima Cisse and her lover Kader Arby.

Halima Cisse family biography

Adjudant Kader Arby is currently in Mali with his elder daughter.

Meanwhile, his wife Halima Cisse and the nonuplets are receiving postpartum care at Casablanca, Morocco.

Insider sources have confirmed that Halima Cisse and her nine children are healthy and faring on well.

Halima Cisse biography describes a mother of many, likely to replace Nadya Suleman in the Guinness Book of Records. The beautiful Malian woman is still trending after giving birth to nine healthy children at once.