Joash Maangi home in Tendere Kisii County

Why DG Joash Maangi home in Tendere Kisii County was raided by a squad of 13 police officers

Police officers raided the home of Deputy Governor Joash Maangi on Wednesday. The attack came on suspicions that he was holding a closed door meeting at his official residence. A video from the scene shows how police officers stormed Joash Maangi home to no avail.

The August 25th, 2021 impromptu visit left the incumbent deputy governor surprised. Maangi who appeared speechless was unable to comment on the matter until later.

Why police raised DG Joash Maangi’s home

Maangi openly described the raid as a possible political move against his association with DP William Ruto.

The DG feels that politicians affiliated with UDA Party are lately receiving an unfair treatment.

“We did not have any illegal meeting…I’m alone here. I don’t want to point fingers, but everybody knows that I’m a friend to the deputy president…and there are those who believe that anybody associated with the deputy president should not be allowed to hold any meeting.”

DG Joash Maangi.

A similar raid which happened recently at Maangi’s premises ended with 10 youths arrested, and later released on cash bail after lengthy interrogations.

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The police officer who agreed to speak on camera defended the latest raid citing that it was necessary in line with coronavirus containment measures.

What the Kisii County Police Commander Francis Kooli said

Francis Kooli issues a statement warning all politicians against planning rallies and meetings without the consent of authorities.

“My message to all leaders in this county is that we’re there to serve them, and we want all meetings that are being held, let the police be aware.”

Francis Kooli, Kisii Police Commander.

A video of police at Maangi’s home

A video seen on Kenya Citizen TV Channel shows police officers gaining entry in the residence of DG Joash Maangi.

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They leave soon after in a fully packed police patrol Land Cruiser.

DG Joash Maangi home has lately been under surveillance because of suspected breach of COVID-19 protocols. Whether the raid had anything to do with Maangi’s political agenda remains unconfirmed.

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