List of Kisii County Executive Committee

List of Kisii County Executive Committee [CEC] 2022-2027 Kisii County Government Ministers

Successfully vetted into the government of Simba Arati are 10 Kisii County Executive Committee members. The dream team comprises new faces with diverse academic qualifications and experience in public service.

The appointed CECs are a reflection of Aratiโ€™s regime.

Kisii County Government Ministries

The Kisii County Assembly accepted Aratiโ€™s proposed CECs paving the way for his interests and manifesto.

Here are 10 ministries whose delivery will determine Aratiโ€™s legacy.

  • Water and Environment
  • Sports, Culture and Arts
  • Trade, Tourism and Marketing
  • Infrastructure, Energy and Public Works
  • Finance, Economic Planning and ICT services
  • Medical Services, Public Health and Sanitation
  • Land, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Development
  • Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock Development and Fisheries
  • Education, Technical Training, Innovation, and Social Sciences 
  • Public Service, County Administration and participatory development, office of the governor
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Here are the names of those who merited Aratiโ€™s choice.

List of Kisii County Executive Committee members

Health & SanitationLeah Bwari Ogega
Finance & ICTKennedy Okemwa Abincha
Physical PlanningGrace Kerubo Nyarangi
Public WorksCyrus Nyasenge Nyabicha
EducationElijah Okemwa Obwori
Agriculture & FisheriesMongina Beatrice Doyle
Trade & TourismAlfred Ndemo Ongera
County AdministrationDaniel Ondabu Nyakundi
Sports, Culture & ArtsEric Ongeri Miyienda
Water & EnvironmentRonald Gideon Nyakweba

Where do Aratiโ€™s Cabinet Ministers come from?

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Cabinet MinistersConstituency
Leah Bwari OgegaBomachoge Borabu
Kennedy Okemwa AbinchaKitutu Chache South
Grace Kerubo NyarangiNyaribari Chache
Cyrus Nyasenge NyabichaBomachoge Chache
Elijah Okemwa ObworiBobasi
Mongina Beatrice DoyleBonchari
Alfred Ndemo OngeraKitutu Chache North
Ronald Gideon NyakwebaSouth Mugirango
Daniel Ondabu NyakundiNyaribari Masaba
Eric Ongeri MiyiendaNyaribari Masaba

Having been vetted, the new CECs are already up to the task.

A majority of locals are satisfied with the fact that Governor Arati included all 9 constituencies in the list of Kisii County Executive Committee members.