Best Maria Citizen tv actors

Best Maria Citizen tv actors real names list, cast, synopsis, summary, Luwi, Yasmin Said biography

Maria Citizen tv actors are our daily dose of love and laughter. The soapie Maria has attracted high viewership because of these cast members. The hooking love story of Maria airs every weekday starting at 7:30 pm.

Maria and Luwi photos, wedding, kissing, and best moments flower the soapie with heart warming feelings. Who are Maria Citizen tv cast members?

Maria Citizen tv actors main cast

Fans can now find Maria Citizen tv real names and even follow them on social media.

Maria Citizen tv characters and their real names include.

  • Maria – Yasmin Said
  • Sofia – Bridget Shighadi
  • Luwi – Brain Ogana
  • Victor – Ronald Ndubi
  • Boss William – Dennis Musyoka
  • Madam Victoria/Vickie – Sheila Ndanu
  • Vanessa – Wanjeku Stephens
  • Kobi Real – Linda Mukamiwa

The underlying love twists and romance tales of theselead charcters are irresistibly hooking. Go on for more actors taking minor roles in the series.

Maria Citizen tv actors real names

  • Father Ezekiel – Musa Ore
  • Silas – Nyakundi Isaboke
  • Ben – Timothy Musyoka
  • Thomas – Quincy Ando
  • Koros – Edwin Buni
  • Dupa – Umar Hussein
  • Fali – Teddy Brian
  • Collo – Joseph Kiplabatt
  • Tekno – Anthony Ashioya

Maria Citizen tv actresses real names

  • Naomi – Terry Ombaka
  • Lorna – Tina Njambi
  • Brenda – Maureen Wangari
  • Delila – Edna Nguka
  • Mother Teresa – Grace obuya
  • Rufina – Sussy Malaki
  • Marianne – Botul Abdalla
  • Asha Hussein – Gloria Hussein
  • Mama Chapo – Sarah Mataki
  • Kanini – Alice Mari
  • Dogo – Jane Mulanda

These gorgeous women are incredibly talented on the set.

Maria Citizen tv real names

Maria Citizen tv full names are Yasmin Said. On the other hand, Luwi of Maria Citizen tv real names are Brian Ogana.

The two are lead characters and therefore at the heart of Maria Citizen tv synopsis.

The soapie compares to other on local scenes. Maria Citizen tv actors are the reason why the telenovela is taking over the widescreens.