Pastor Ezekiel Sponsorship Programme

Pastor Ezekiel Sponsorship Programme: Stranded Parents Cry Foul Ahead of School Reopening

Needy learners and parents who depended on Pastor Ezekiel sponsorship programme are crying foul as school reopening nears. The dilemma is running high even as the controversial pastor continues to lock horns with authorities.

Long-time beneficiaries of Pastor Ezekiel’s academic aid risk missing classes and essential donations from the New Life Prayer Centre. At least 103 bright students from low income backgrounds have benefited from his donations amounting to Ksh. 6.6 million.

Pastor Ezekiel sponsorship programme

Immense support and prayers witnessed outside Shanzu Law Courts during the arraignment of Pastor Ezekiel speak volumes about his impact on society.

A record of his charitable activities is evident even as he answers pending allegations. One of the frustrated dependents had this to say.

“When he returned, he settled all the debts we had for school fees. Schools are now going to be opened, and we don’t know what we will do.”

A beneficiary of Pastor Ezekiel.

Apart from paying fees, Nyota preacher is reportedly a humble servant of the needy in society.

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Ngodhe village mates say he grew up a selfless boy with a strong dedication to sharing the word of God.

On top of that, the cleric is acclaimed for raising his ministerial voice on wrongdoings against the marginalized in society.

It all explains why fanatics consider Pastor Ezekiel Odero a blameless man of God deserving of freedom outside jails.

Even his legal experts Danstan Omari and Cliff Ombeta are confident that he will soon be free from the ongoing cases.

“Evidence must be brought, it is a case where you must proof, when officers say they want 30 days so that they can be able to investigate and until now they are doing nothing then it is high time that members of the public come forward and bring it, up to now there is none. They are saying that the bodies at Shakahola must have come from Pastor Ezekiel’s church.”

Lawyer Cliff Ombeta.

For a while now, Pastor Ezekiel has been associated with Pastor Mackenzie, facing intense homicide charges following the Shakahola massacre expose.

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Pastor Ezekiel Sponsorship Programme is a cause of contention even as stranded beneficiaries decry the lack of financial resources to continue supporting their children. News about ‘Pastor Ezekiel set free’ are indeed timely.

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