Raila Odinga Achievements

Raila Odinga Achievements [Scorecard] 10 Major Political & Economic Changes by ODM Party Leader

Kenya’s eternal presidential candidate Raila Amolo Odinga has on many occasions been challenged to showcase his track record. Among those looking down at his legacy is deputy president William Ruto. Critics aside, Raila Odinga achievements are evident in every aspect of the local economy.

Coming from a famous family in the country is yet to benefit Raila in his dream to become a commander in Chief. So was the case for his vice president father Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. Despite all that, ODM leader Raila Odinga has been able to bring about desirable changes in various positions of power.

Raila Odinga Achievements

Azimio la Umoja’s flag bearer and his deputy Martha Wangari Karua are remarkable leaders despite their advanced ages.

Both share a clean reputation with minimal cases of corruption and misuse of power. Here are some of the highlights from Raila’s disputed scorecard.

  1. As the Prime Minister between 2007 and 2013, Raila executed major projects alongside President Mwai Kibaki
  2. He initiated the Nairobi Expressway and the Standard Gauge Railway single-mindedly delivered by President Uhuru Kenyatta.
  3. His coalition government with Kibaki designed Kenya’s Vision 2030 development agenda
  4. Raila played a key role in the adoption of the new constitution through the Orange-Banana referendum
  5. Bravely championed the eviction of illegal Mau Forest dwellers to protect the environment. As a result. He lost a fraction of his votes during the highly contested 2013 General Election
  6. Fought for multi-party democracy in the early 90s amid detention, torture, and freeing to exile for asylum. For the record, he is the longest political detainee still alive
  7. Shelved his presidential ambition to support Mwai Kibaki in 2002. His main aim was dethroning President Daniel Arap Moi’s “oppressive” KANU Regime
  8. Shook hands with his rivals Daniel Arap Moi, Mwai Kibaki, and Uhuru Kenyatta for the sake of peace
  9. In 2021, Raila was appointed to the advisory board of the prestigious African Green Infrastructure Investment.
  10. Raila is a resilient and slow to anger kind of a leader. He is notable for his willingness to merge a widening tribal rift in the country.
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Above all, Raila has been able to influence several multinational projects and policies.

A case in point is the high-level virtual multinational Grand Inga Hydropower project in DR Congo.

The long list of Raila Odinga achievements is awash with qualifications and perceived inabilities for the top seat in the country.

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