Taxing Content Creators in Kenya

Taxing Content Creators in Kenya: 2023 Finance Bill Hits Youtubers and Social Media Influencers

The government may soon start taxing content creators in Kenya should the 2023 Finance Bill sail unopposed.

The Kenya Kwanza regime is targeting to accumulate more revenue from more sectors including mobile money transfers.

Taxing Content Creators in Kenya: 2023 Finance Bill Proposals

Digital content creators are among those who will feel the pinch of hiking taxes if the proposed Financial Bill 2023 is passed.

The bill is currently attracting mixed reactions in the National Assembly.

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The growth of social media usage has over the years led to the emergence of the hard-to-regulate digital economy.

The emerging bill seeks to collect a flat rate of 15 per cent in tax for all digital payments.

Digital content creators of interest are those offering entertainment, social, literal, artistic or educational material electronically for payment purposes.

This bill comes at a time Kenyans are experiencing a severe economic setback.

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Youths with monetized platforms on the internet will be the most affected. These include Youtubers, bloggers, and social media influencers to name a few.

Taxing Content Creators in Kenya is a controversial move even as unemployment rates are getting out of hand.

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