Trending Embarambamba dance styles

Trending Embarambamba dance styles, memes, photos, comedy, funny videos; who is Embarambamba?

Embarambamba is a highly creative Kisii artist now taking netizens by storm. Indeed, his rare crop of music and theatrical dance moves have never been tested anywhere else. The dramatic musician is still king of gospel comedy. A list of trending Embarambamba dance styles are rib cracking. 

Who is Embarambamba? Christopher Nyangwara Mosioma, Embarambamba, is the most original comedian, songwriter, singer, and performer in Kenya. He deserves credit for being founder of a funny yellow-dotted suit and a humorous music genre, Comedy Gospel.

7 Trending Embarambamba dance styles and moves

Chris Embarambamba is not your ordinary artist on the dance floor. Even better, he does not require a formal theatre to shine.

1. Egetendegese disco style by Embarambamba

Chris Embarambamba is founder of the famous Egetendegese dance moves.

How he manages to swing his legs while keeping steady is interesting to most supporters.

2. Chris Embarambamba mud spin dance

None from Embarambamba’s legion of cheerleaders has successfully tried the mud dance.

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The mud dance is in itself a patent, because of being too hard for anyone to copy and own as a music brand.

3. Trending Embarambamba riding dance

Embarambamba is a man of motion, preferring to ride when performing. Jumping on the back of a cow left Kenyans talking.

He also received a backlash of criticism for jumping on the back of an allegedly married female dancer.

The highly disputed incidence took place on a live stage performance.  

4. Shooting dance by Embarambamba

The singer has discovered a new way of shaking all his limbs at once without losing balance.

Kisii Governor James Ongwae is one those that have successfully tested the style on stage alongside Embarambamba.

5. Marathon dance with Embarambamba

Chris Embarambamba often engages his camera men in a rare race skit dubbed marathon dance.

Msanii wa Kisii people love nowadays, is unforgiving with this dance style, especially when in a banana plantation.

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6. Embaragwasi fly dance performance

Chris Embarambamba prefers the fly dance style while attending radio and television interviews, perhaps because it is simpler.

The fly dance entails bending forwards and rushing an overcoat or jacket upwards. The style is more exciting when done randomly.  

7. High Jump dance by Chris Embarambamba

Chris Embarambamba is often jumping from high objects including trees and buildings. Clearly, he is never afraid of unseen ground objects that may cause harm to his body.

The fact that Embarambamba has never broken a bone suggests high flexibility and fitness.

The high Jump dance is one of the scariest and possibly a reason why Ezekiel Mutua thinks Chris Embarambamba is a danger to himself.

Trending Embarambamba dance styles videos and memes

YouTube has a full compilation of Embarambamba’s funniest videos since he started shooting videos in 2004.

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On social media are also enough Embarambamba memes to keep your face smiling all day long.

Trending Embarambamba dance styles have attracted a huge hype around his music label. More support is dripping in from his latest series of dramatic videos and comic performances.

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