Ombogo South Constituency: Hacker Wickliffe Moenga Embezzles Treasury as ‘Member of Parliament’

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Photo: Ombogo South Constituency: Hacker Wycliffe Moenga Embezzles Treasury as ‘Member of Parliament’ in Nyamira County . SRC: @FontsMediaKe

Cybercrime still runs high! A recent case of a 30-year-old Maasai Mara University graduate Wycliffe Moenga hacking into the National Payroll System and employing himself as a Member of Parliament says no less. He allegedly created the mysterious ‘Ombogo South Constituency’ in Nyamira County to siphon state funds.

Mr Moenga would sink into the underworld in the pursuit of police officers. How he managed to self-employ himself as a civil servant is still a mystery to the Director of Criminal Investigation.

Hacker Wycliffe Moenga Embezzles Ombogo South Constituency

Posing as a Member of Parliament for the non-existent Ombogo South Constituency earned the Narok-based hacker Wycliffe Moenga a fortune. Sources say he successfully pocketed a one-month salary of a legislator including hefty allowances and benefits.

Creating an additional constituency to the existing 290 benefitted Hacker Moenga with a lump sum of close to Ksh. 1 million.

MP incomeAmount
Basic salaryKsh. 426,000
Sitting allowanceKsh. 7,500 (max 120k)
Airtime allowanceKsh. 15,000
House allowanceKsh. 150,000
Market adjustmentKsh. 134,000
MP earningsKsh. 800,000+

Ombogo South Constituency would have become the fifth in Nyamira County had detectives not realized in time. Other constituencies in the region include;

  • Borabu Constituency
  • Kitutu Masaba Constituency
  • North Mugirango Constituency
  • West Mugirango Constituency

The Kenyan government has not yet responded to this matter even as police investigations are ongoing.

Netizens are now giving credit to the self-proclaimed ‘genius’ Member of Parliament. Critics are on the other hand directing fingers at the government for running on insecure systems.

Verified Twitter user SADDAM HUSSEIN directly poked holes into the unfortunate incident.

“Apart from 30-year-old Wycliffe Moenga hacking into the government system, creating a new constituency names it Ombogo South and elects/employs himself as MP, earning a salary and allowances for a month In other news, a daring Nairobi thief breaks into Makadara Police Station and steals an afandes 19k and a kadunda phone. Kenya is on bangi. It must be given milk!”


Elsewhere, Kabarak University Facebook page was recently hacked by an Indonesian teenager demanding Ksh. 68,000. Luckily, it was recovered with help from Facebook Meta experts.

The short-lived ‘Ombogo South Constituency’ is a practical joke in our digital economy era. After all, hacker Wycliffe Moenga could only be one case in a million.

sir enock

I am a dynamic writer, web designer, computer pro, and career engineer. Read more...