Chris Embarambamba Education

Chris Embarambamba Education Level, CV, high school, college and rapid success in gospel comedy

Learned fellows are often good at keeping their collars white and manners tucked. That is certainly not the case for our own Kenyan sensation mud man. He is everything from a drama boy to a responsible family man with a beautiful wife and five children. He juggles them all but what about Chris Embarambamba education?

Bend This Way Hitmaker is an international comedian in ways the world does not expect. Even Churchill himself cannot help but giggle at his dangerous but original antics. Strongly defending his sanity are thousands of supporters on mainstream social media such as TikTok and YouTube.

Chris Embarambamba Education background

Born on February 1st, 1988, the 35-year-old can do anything legal to keep poverty away.

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He reportedly grew up in an economically challenged family in which basic needs such as food and shelter were scarce.

Chris Embarambamba attended Kierira DoK Primary School near Keroka town and within the vicinity of St Augustus Academy.

Sources allege that he received most of his primary education within Rigoma Division, Kitutu Masaba Constituency, Nyamira County.

Losing a father within days of sitting for his Kenya Certificate of Primary Education meant no school ahead.

For that reason, Embarambamba never received a chance to enrol in college or university for his dream course and degree.

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The self-proclaimed mud man is nonetheless an entertainment graduate with more fame than most learned professionals.

From a school dropout to a gospel minister

In 2004, the frustrated Embarambamba switched from education into the world of entertainment.

At first, he worked as a secular artist alongside Mr Ongengo and later Man Pepe Sagero. Both Gusii artists inspired him.

It was until recently that Douglas Otiso inspired him into the gospel ministry. He would creatively introduce Gospel Comedy with a strong appeal at the national level.

Embarambamba with about 200k subscribers on YouTube is a force to reckon with on the internet.

Chris Embarambamba education level is a big question among staunch followers. After all, he is comic when speaking in Swahili and English languages.

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