G4S Vehicle Transporting Bhang

G4S Vehicle Transporting Bhang Worth 1 Million in Busia: Nambale Police Arrest Two Suspects

 Police in Busia have impounded a G4S vehicle transporting Bhang along the Busia- Nambale road. The bhang valued at Ksh. 1 million is suspected to be streaming from the Uganda border and ferried to Nairobi and Mombasa.

As we have it, two G4S employees are already in custody waiting for arraignment in court.

Nambale police impound a G4S vehicle transporting bhang

The over 300 Kgs drug was stucked in two boxes. Police further say that the manner in which it was packed could be difficult for a normal person to identify.   

Gorge Ongosi, the Nambale sub-county police commander stated that police were tipped while on normal patrol that the G4S vehicle was transporting the illegal drug.

“We received a tip-off at around 11:30 pm on Friday night that there was a motor vehicle registration number KCX 060Y that was en route to Nairobi. Police officers stopped the vehicle and after conducting a quick search, they found two boxes that the driver and his colleague were using for transporting bhang”

Gorge Ongosi

The sub-county police commander confirmed the arrest of the two suspects and they will be arraigned in court on Monday.

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 In addition, a police team from anti-narcotics visited the Nambale police station and positively identified the bhang.

 The police have since warned the public against illegal business even as a team from the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) seeks to unravel the long chain of command in the murky business.

“I want to warn transporters of these drugs that this war will continue and we the police are viilant.”

Nambale sub-county police commander

The capture of the G4S vehicle transporting bhang in Busia is a big win for the police in a fight against the illegal drug in Kenya.

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Hopefully, this will discourage others from trying similar illegal ventures and make our society safer and more lawful for everyone.

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