Martha Karua Leaving Azimio La Umoja

Martha Karua Leaving Azimio La Umoja? Private Meeting with Peter Munya, Ndiritu Muriithi & Kioni

NARC Kenya party leader Martha Karua has been the centre of criticism for several months now! It all started with her inability to mobilize sufficient votes for Raila Odinga whom she was deputizing in the 2022 general polls. Ongoing speculations of Martha Karua leaving Azimio La Umoja have been circulated before.

Photos of Karua in a consultative meeting with a clique of Mount Kenya leaders ignited the exit conversation.

Is Martha Karua Leaving Azimio La Umoja?

Political analysts argue that the meeting held on Thursday, August 3, 2023, was staged to discuss the future of regional politics.

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Co-principals in attendance are reportedly unhappy with poor representation within the opposition coalition.

A case in point is a recent 5 member committee in which kingpins such as Hon. Jeremiah Kioni are missing.

In attendance at the closed-door meeting were the following;

  • Narc Leader Martha Karua
  • Former Agriculture CS Peter Munya
  • Former Laikipia governor Ndiritu Muriithi
  • Jubilee Secretary-General Jeremiah Kioni

A tweet from the NARC Kenya boss read as follows;

“Consultative meeting with Kamwene leaders this morning.”

Martha Karua.

On his side, Kioni wrote a cryptic message.

“How many members of Mau Mau died for the liberation of our country?”

Jeremiah Kioni.

In other news, Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai said that former president Uhuru Kenyatta and Martha Karua are becoming burdensome in the coalition.

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Is Martha Karua quitting Azimio La Umoja? As we have, the Azimio team is bleeding with sibling rivalry.

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