Most Profitable Crops in Kenya

25 Most Profitable Crops in Kenya: List of Food & Cash Crops with a Ready Market – Passion Fruit

Stats released by the agricultural wing in the Central Bank of Kenya indicate that 40 per cent of Kenyans practice farming for a living. The figure is even higher in rural areas where at least 70 per cent of residents are full-time farmers. We look at the most profitable crops in Kenya today.

Food security is highly concerning in our era marked by overpopulation and rapid advancement in technology. As a result, successful ventures in agriculture are turning ordinary farmers into millionaires.

 15 Most profitable crops in Kenya

Passionate farmers are always curious about seasons and high-demand cash crops that can fetch six-figure returns.

The most preferred are horticulture crops because of low risks and frequent returns.

1. Tomato farming in Kenya

How much can earn from one acre of tomatoes in Kenya? Proper crop care guarantees about 30,000 kilograms of Kilele F1 variety tomato harvest. Therefore, a farmer can pocket up to Ksh. 1.5 million on selling each kilogram at Ksh. 50.

Anna F1 is another profitable tomato variety when cultivated with extensive knowledge.

2. Garlic farming in Kenya

The health benefits of garlic come at a reasonable cost that most buyers are willing to pay; this high-value crop matures after 6 months of minimal care.

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Garlic farming profit per acre in Kenya is about Ksh. 400,000 after reaping about 8,000 kilograms. The current retail price per kilogram is about Ksh. 200.

3. Onion farming in Kenya

How many Kgs of onions can an acre produce? One acre of land can sustainably produce about 25,000 kilograms of onion in a 3-month fair season.

Onion farming is commendable because of low risk and perpetual demand in the market.

4. Cabbage farming

Unlike other vegetables, cabbage is less perishable and exceptionally nutritious. An acre of land can yield up to 14,000 cabbage heads within 5 months.

Cabbage farming in Kenya earns an average net profit of Ksh. 220,000 per harvest. Seasonal price hikes can mint even higher returns.

5. Flower farming

Is flower farming profitable in Kenya? Yes, specific types of flowers such as tulips and roses are excellent in tapping lump sum income.

For the record, Kenya exports its flowers to more than 60 countries suggesting a ready market across the border. Local floriculture centres include Lake Naivasha, Trans Nzoia, Kitale, Thika, and Uasin Gishu.

6. Dania farming in Kenya

How long does dania take to mature? Coriander or dhania seeds cost Ksh. 1,000 and can earn you up to Ksh. 50,000 within a couple of months.  In some cases, the crop matures within 6 weeks of planting.

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Where does coriander grow best? Dania grows best in temperate and warm temperate climatic conditions with medium sun exposure, minimal watering, and no winds.

7. Spinach farming in Kenya

Is planting spinach profitable? Yes, large-scale cultivation of spinach is profitable with returns of up to Ksh. 500,000 per acre in the harvest.

High demand and soaring prices are particularly appetizing for anyone seeking to venture into spinach farming.

8.  Sukumawiki or kale farming

Kale is by far the commonest veggie in Kenyan households because of their affordability and ease of cultivation.

A yield potential of 15,000 kg per acre can attract a steady income of Ksh. 210 during a high-demand season.

9. Passion fruit farming

Purple and yellow varieties of passion fruit are rampant because of their high market value.

Is passion fruit farming profitable in Kenya? Yes, an acre of passion fruit can bring forth 650kgs in the weekly harvest. Calculated against a market price of about Ksh. 60, the farmer can expect at least Ksh. 150,000 a month.

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10. Mushrooms farming

Commercial mushroom production is a lucrative investment requiring minimal space.

The crop thrives on substrates, especially when grown inside mud-walled and grass-thatched houses.

Full list of most profitable cash crops in Kenya

Other crops with high profit per acre in Kenya include;

  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Dragon fruit
  • Groundnuts
  • Irish potatoes
  • Lettuce broccoli
  • Maize
  • Millet
  • Pumpkin
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon
  • Wheat

Additional crops with deep pocket returns include sugarcane, tea, and coffee.

In the list of most profitable cash crops in Kenya are the diverse crop with unceasing benefits. Try some of them for a life-changing income stream.

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