Nick Ruto wife photos

Nick Ruto wife photos: Evelyn Chemutai biography, age, name, wedding, marriage, and parents

Evelyn Chemutai is a head-turning beauty now spouse to the firstborn son of DP William Ruto. She was recently confirmed Nick Ruto wife in a colourful wedding ceremony graced by the loyal family. Latest photos of Chemutai are worth a thousand words.

Lawyer Nick Ruto and his longtime girlfriend Chemutai agreed to tie a knot in a traditional Kalenjin wedding otherwise called Koito. The decently dressed couple was happy and responsive with killer smiles. A section of Kenyans has since been yearning to know more about the fashionable Evelyn Chemutai.

Who is Nick Ruto wife?

The profile of Evelyn Chemutai shows that she is of the Kalenjin tribe from Laikipia County.

Chemutaiโ€™s father and mother include Mr and Mrs David Baron. Insider sources allege that her family is equally wealthy and influential.

Evelyn Chemutai and Nick Ruto wedding

The family of Dr William Ruto and David Baron attended Nickโ€™s wedding on Saturday, January 15, 2021.

Nick spiced the day with a custom white Kaunda suit and a white Panama hat. Chemutai was on the other hand adorned in a brown maxi dress.

Also in attendance were governors Stephen Sang and Jackson Mandago.

Senators present included Aaron Cheruiyot of Kericho and Kipchumba Murkomen of Elgeyo Marakwet.

Finally, there were MPs Caleb Kositany of Soy, Alice Wahome of Kandara, and Gladys Boss Shollei of Uasin Gishu.

The deputy president was present

DP William Ruto and spouse Rachel Chebet could not hide their happiness in the Koito marriage held at Windy Ridge Karen, Nairobi.

Nick was equally joyous in the memorable exchange of vows.

“Yesterday, we met our families as culture demands. She said Yes, I said Yes, They said Yes, We said Yes. Special thanks for your support and prayers. Evelyne ๐Ÿ’ Nick.”

Lawyer Nick Ruto.

The stately wedding comes within a few months of June Ruto saying โ€œYes I Doโ€ to her Nigerian husband Alex Ezenagu.

Evelyn Chemutai is a new celebrity in town after becoming Nick Ruto wife in a private wedding ceremony. She must be a lucky woman in the corridors of love.