Nyabigena Boys High School KCSE Results

Nyabigena Boys High School KCSE Results 2024: Mean Grade, KUCCPS Performance Analysis & Contacts

St. Joseph’s Nyabigena Boys High School KCSE results in 2022 are raising eyebrows because of a relatively low mean grade. Equally worrisome is a shrinking pass rate.

The secondary school is no longer on the right track as far as competitive excellence is concerned.

Nyabigena Boys High School KCSE results in 2022

Producing 30 per cent C+ and above students is remarkable despite significant mean-score fallout.

Listed below is the latest grade distribution.

  • students scored A (plain)
  • students scored A- (minus)
  • 3 students scored B+ (plus)
  • 13 students scored B (plain)
  • 19 students scored B- (minus)
  • 60 students scored C+ (plus)
  • 73 students scored C (plain)
  • 66 students scored C- (minus)
  • 43 students scored D+ (plus)
  • 10 students scored D (plain)
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Looking at the results, a high number of candidates scored below the KUCCPS pass grade for university entry.

Out of 287 candidates at Nyabigena Boys Secondary School, only 95 attained a C+ and above.

Nyabigena Boys Secondary School performance analysis

The secondary school in Kisii County is still struggling to escape the shame of poor grades in national exams.

Here is a comparative guide on the latest KNEC outcomes.

University Entry2168895
Pass Rate64.09%22.92%33.10%

Long gone are the days when the school was a celebrated institution with a record of straight A-students.

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The ongoing academic nose-dive is particularly worrying among the old boys and girls.

One of the bitter alumni wished for a quick return to the days when senior principal Joseph Obare was in control at Nyabigena Boys.

Nyabigena Boys contacts

The extra-county Nyabigena Boys is located in Kisii County, South Mugirango Constituency nearby Nyamarambe town.

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P.O. Box833 – 40200, Kisii

Reach the admin for help with admission, student welfare, fee structure, and related inquiries.

Nyabigena Boys High School KCSE results in 2022 are a wake-up call for parents, teachers, and learners to work towards better scores in the forthcoming KNEC exams.

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