Pastor Mackenzie House Photos

Pastor Mackenzie House Photos [Worth 500 Million] Good News International Mansions in Shakahola

Pastor Paul Mackenzie of Good News International has been in the news headlines for his controversial teachings, mass graves, and secret wealth. We focus on the 500 million worth Pastor Mackenzie house photos.

Mackenzie’s multi-million house lies boldly in Furunzi village on the outskirts of Malindi town. Its magnificence displays Mackenzie’s extravagant lifestyle, as opposed to the message of self-denial and poverty he preached.

Pastor Mackenzie house photos and church

Mackenzie owns a lavish residence in Kilifi County built by his followers. The expensive house faithfully designed for the preacher, houses his mother and close family members.

The Good News International church also lies within the same luxurious compound.

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The exterior of the home is decorated with colourful paintings, flowers and skilful carvings giving a humble, serene environment.

On top of that, the cultic preacher owned several expensive vehicles and high-end SUVs nested at the residence.

Insider sources reveal that the house is adorned with elegant furniture, a private cinema, a spa and a gym.

The dining area is spacious with a table that can comfortably accommodate up to 20 people. 

Pastor Paul Mackenzie’s palatial home and church raid

Mackenzie is on trial for leading his congregation to a dead end. He urged his members to fast to death in pursuit of salvation.

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His disputed teachings have had hundreds of his followers paying painful prices.

A few days ago, the cry for justice led locals to storm Mackenzie’s homestead demanding action against the controversial preacher. Police had to intervene against the rowdy youth baying for Mackenzie’s blood.

In addition, the angry mob destroyed the walls housing the Good News International church and the home of the cult leader. They accused the government of delaying justice for the Shakahola victims.

Mackenzie’s arrest and arraignment in court have spiked hope in the family members of the deceased members.

Pastor Mackenzie house photos reveals the influence of wealth and power regardless of how they are earned.

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