Major Projects Launched by President Ruto in Kisii

10 Major Projects Launched by President Ruto in Kisii & Nyamira– Governor Simba Arati Proposals

The list of major projects launched by President Ruto in Kisii and Nyamira counties is indeed overwhelming. Locals among them leaders from across political divides are impressed.

President Ruto’s Kisii tour scheduled for Thursday, March 23rd, 2023, ended after 3 days of thorough engagements.

10 Major Projects Launched by President Ruto in Kisii

Apart from preaching peace, kingpin leaders joined the head of state in addressing the Bottom-Up progressive agenda.

Some of the major projects highlighted during the visit are as follows.

  1. Launched Ksh. 15 billion Bonyunyu Dam
  2. Commissioned 60 billion Kisii University centre of excellence for health education
  3. Proposed the construction of a modern airstrip pending expert report on the location, Nyangusu or Sironga
  4. Promised 2.8 billion for the setup of a cancer unit at KTRH
  5. Assessment and completion of stalled road projects in the region
  6. 13 million worth of digital labs in 4 TVET institutions including Gitwebe, Ekerubo Gietai, Keroka and the Kisii National Polytechnic
  7. Institutional facilities at 25 million for Kereri Girls, 25 million for Nduru Boys, and 2.5 million for Ichuni mixed primary
  8. 500 million for a post-modern industrial park in Nyamira county
  9. Offered 25 acres for the relocation of the Kisii prison
  10. On his side, Governor Simba Arati hinted at a possible relocation of the Kisii Central Police Station to pave way for the development.

The list does not include several minor projects mentioned by His Excellence Governor Simba Arati.

Looking at various projects launched by President Ruto in Kisii & Nyamira counties, it is evident that Nyanza will not be left behind in national prosperity.