Raila Odinga Second Wife

Raila Odinga Second Wife? Girlfriend Hildegund Ruge & Margita: Dating Irene Nyakerario Mayaka!

Raila Odinga is a product of powerful women among them a biological mother Mary Juma Odinga and a loving spouse Ida Anyango Oyoo. Farfetched rumours of Raila Odinga second wife are still in the air.

Kenyans know Raila as a loving family man without any baby mama as is the case with most Kenyan politicians. Even so, the rumour mill is unsparing.

Raila Odinga Second Wife?

The famed Maverick Aoko Otieno @AokoOtieno_ is on record for tweeting that nominated MP Irene Nyakerario Mayaka is a secret girlfriend to Raila Amolo Odinga.

These speculations are rife despite lacking grounds for confirmation.

In his memoir โ€˜Flames of Freedomโ€™ Raila reveals a different juice of a German ex-girlfriend Hildegund Ruge.

Miss Hilde was a Chemical Engineering student when Raila was ongoing with Mechanical Engineering studies.

The son of Jaramogi narrates about the bliss of love.

โ€œHilde and I discovered a common love for theatre and German literature and generally found much of mutual interest. I walked her back to the womenโ€™s halls, about a quarter-of-a-mile beyond ours, and after that we met up often, chatting, going to the theatre and eating out. I came in for a lot of teasing from my friends but Hilde and I remained friends close for about a year.โ€

Former PM Raila Odinga.

A painful breakup after six months of steamy love left Raila Odinga drooling after another beauty called Margita.

He recalls love moments shared with Margita.

โ€œI stayed with her several times and would take my books to study while she was working. We went to the lake in the summer and it was a very happy and pleasant time. When she visited me, we would go for walks along the River Elbe, which followed through the town, sometimes taking a ride on the luxury steamers that piled the waterway.โ€ 

Former PM Raila Odinga.

Various controversies surrounding the love life of Raila Odinga are yet to leave a spot on his reputation.

Raila Odinga second wife tales are unceasing considering his position of power and influence. He soldiers on a faithful man to his spouse Ida Anyango.