Untold story of Mungai Eve

The Untold story of Mungai Eve from Gachiku Village in Muranga to a successful Kenyan Youtuber

The untold story of Mungai Eve is a touching one with deep roots in Muranga County. She is no less of a typical Kenyan girl determined to defeat poverty. Mungai Eve is now a YouTube millionaire but with fresh memories of her dark past.

Netizens have come to like Eve’s outgoing personality and expressive vibes on the streets. Even better, she is a favourite of most celebrities. The now jumpy Mungai Eve with fancy “impossible” outfits is a miracle celebrity with a truly exciting life story.

The untold story of Mungai Eve of YouTube

The scary life journey of Mungai Eve started in the wake of 2020 when coronavirus pandemic was at its peak.

At the time, her father Mungai was unable to provide enough for the family because his job was getting more unstable.

Mungai Eve dropping out of NIBS Technical College

A lack of school fees had cause Eve to drop out of NIBS Technical College where she was studying journalist and mass communication.

She left college with a hope of resuming classes in a years’ time.

A stressful stay at her Gachiku Village in Muranga

Quitting studies and going back to Gachiku Village was highly frustrating for the high-minded Eve.

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A seven month stay in her remote home resulted in chronic stress and ulcers. Her fateful situation worsened to a point of losing hope in her dreams.

Travelling back to Nairobi City

Mungai Eve finally got a rare chance of taking her school submissions to Nairobi in September 2020.

Thereafter, she extended her stay in the city against the wishes of her parents.

Eve Mungai felt welcome at a friend’s place at Donhom. At this point, she was tired of staying with relatives out of feeling burdensome to them.

The untold story of Mungai Eve on struggling for a living in Nairobi

The struggle of looking for a job in the capital city started as soon as she settled at her friend’s house.

Sadly, she often landed on less competitive opportunities that paid as low as Ksh. 200 a day.

Mungai Eve declined most of these low pay jobs because the amount was below the cut for her daily expenses including transport and meals.

Eve Mungai recieved a salary of Ksh. 6,000 in her first job

Eventually, Mungai landed an opportunity at Isili for a reasonable salary of Ksh. 6,000.

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This strenuous job kept her afloat with the exposure she needed to succeed.

After what Eve describes as a boring routine of life in the village came job struggles that left her sickly. Meanwhile, her body weight reduced to about 40 kilograms.

Mungai Eve switching from Instagram to YouTube

With the help of her Kisii boyfriend, Mungai Eve started managing people’s Instagram accounts at a weekly pay of Ksh. 1,000.

Then came a YouTube idea from Trevor, her photographer boyfriend. The dual uploaded their first video on October 31, 2020.

The video gave their zero subscriber Mungai Eve YouTube channel at least 1000 subscribers in a day. Trevor and Eve monetized the account on the third day.

How Mungai Eve became a successful Youtuber

Mungai and Trevor brags the content-concept method their pillar of success.

The dual spoke on Jalango TV revealing how a good content with a well-executed concept can attract thousands of subscribers.

Youtuber Mungai Eve and her director boyfriend also succeeded for creating and uploading more engaging videos regularly.

Mungai Eve channel in the untold story of Mungai Eve

The famed Mungai Eve brand spins around ghetto youths with a spicy inclusion of famed personalities.

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Mungai Eve salary is lately Ksh. 1.5 million on a good month and about Ksh. 700k on a low month.

The figures are rising steadily with an increase in content and number of subscribers.

Mungai Eve contacts and address

  • Email: e.musicafrica@gmail.com
  • Instagram: @mungai_eve or @director_trevor

DM Trevor and Eve on Instagram or email them for further inquiries on phone number and rates..

The untold story of Mungai Eve is highly touching with a soft spot on how she managed to become a YouTube celebrity within a year. We can only wait for her to shoot straight beyond the ceilings of fame.

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