Doris Donya Toto Aburi Biography

Doris Donya Toto Aburi Biography: Photos of Egesa FM Presenter turned Kisii Women Rep Aspirant

Doris Donya Toto Aburi biography introduces us to a former Egesa FM presenter turned Kisii County Women Rep Aspirant. She is a veteran journalist and seasoned politician most likely to succeed the incumbent Hon Janet Ongera.

Donya from a leadership-destined family is a celebrated figure in Gusii land. She is not only a role model to the girl child but also a full limelight career queen.

5 Profile Facts in Doris Donya Toto Aburi Biography

Donya who is about 40 years old as of 2024 is a happily married woman now out to serve her tribesmen.

She is particularly notable for threading behind notorious Kenyan politicians. Who is Doris Donya Toto?

1. Doris Donya is a graduate of Mount Kenya University

Donya Doris Facebook profile alleges that she attended Kaplong Girls High School and later Mount Kenya University.

Other sources indicate that she is an alumnus of Consolata Institute of Technology in Nyeri County with qualifications in journalism.

2. Donya Toto Aburi is a former Radio presenter on Egesa FM

Egesa FM Radio which started in 2006 grew rapidly thanks to Donya Toto and her sensational colleagues.

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These include Petronila Getena, Charles Onsakia, Chochoni, Sorobi Moturi Erastus, and current head of radio Nancy Kwamboka alias Nana Ediva.

While working at Egesa FM, ‘Dorice’ Donya Toto was rumoured in a romantic relationship with the late Gekara Mayaka Esimba.

A word on the street has it that Gekara committed suicide because Donya dumped him for the renowned Kaka Williams Atandi.

Donya has never commented on these love triangle claims, therefore, rendering them partly unconfirmed.

3. She lost the Women Rep Seat to Janet Ongera in 2017

In 2017, Donya left the RMS owned radio station for politics. Initial resistance to her sudden change of career has since yielded a huge wave of supporters.

Losing to Janet Ongera only marked the start of her dream career in competitive politics.

The latest opinion polls indicate that she is leading in the Kisii County Women Representative race ahead of the August General Elections.

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4. Doris Donya Toto Aburi Landed a senior government job in 2018

CS Mwangi Kiunjuri appointed Donya Toto as a member of the South Nyanza Sugar Company Limited board in 2018.

The special appointment came after the divisive 2017 general election in which the former vernacular radio host had rallied behind the ruling Jubilee Party.

5. Donya Toto lost the ODM Party Ticket to Janet Ongera in 2022

A direct ODM Party ticket issued to Ongera on the merit of loyalty saw a section of the locals protesting in Kisii town.

In response, the officials stamped finality on the decision giving no further room for consensus or fresh primaries.

As a result, Donya Toto is an independent candidate with blessings from the populous gubernatorial aspirant Simba Arati.

Doris Donya husband Williams Atandi and family

Donya is wife to Kaka Williams Atandi. The couple is blessed with lovely children in their admirable marriage home at Suneka within Bonchari Constituency.

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For the record, Donya’s ancestral home is in Ichuni Ward where his father Francis Aburi was elected MCA in 2017; he is set to defend his seat in 2022.

Doris Donya Toto Aburi biography describes a multi-talented journalist switching cards into politics. Her journey from Egesa FM to the Kisii County Women Rep Race is particularly inspiring.

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