List of Iconz Errands Services

List of Iconz Errands Services & How they are Reshaping the eCommerce Business in Kisii, Kenya

Balancing between work, family, and our personal lives is becoming harder especially for the working-class population. Also noteworthy is a growing need for remote assistants in our global village world. That is why Iconz Errands services are handy with a promise of saving time and money.

Unattended duties and recurring tasks are worrisome without a trusted helper. The situation could only get worse in the currently declining global economy where people are working more for survival. Luckily, a few clicks on Iconz Errands App can rescue you from an overkill schedule.

List of all Iconz Errands services in Kenya

Iconz Errands is all about door step deliveries and executing tasks that may interfere with your daily routines.

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The app offers three main categories of services with a particular focus on customer needs.

Provided under each category are details with enough room for custom errands submitted by customers.

1. Petty Errands

These include crucial light tasks that do not require special knowledge.

  • Grocery
  • Store returns
  • Reservations
  • Gift shopping
  • Babysitting
  • Fee payment
  • Laundry/Dobi
  • Ticket booking
  • Mailing services
  • Personal services
  • Waiting services
  • Personal shopping
  • Document processing
  • Home and office chores
  • Appointment scheduling

2. Technical Errands

These are tasks requiring professionals and specialists.

  • Mason
  • Plumber
  • Electrician
  • Chef/waiter
  • House help
  • Doctor/Nurse
  • Computer technician
  • Programmer
  • Gardener
  • Mechanic
  • Car wash
  • Salon
  • Painter
  • Teacher
  • Lawyer

Additional tasks requiring specialists fall under the technical category.

3. Transport Errands

Iconz Errands services work towards meeting your commuting needs with the following means of transportation.

  • Bicycles
  • Boda Boda
  • Tuk Tuk
  • Taxi
  • Pickup
  • Van
  • Bus
  • Lorry
  • Truck
  • Transit
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Open the app and specify the means of transport for the errand.

How to download Iconz Errands Application

Errands customers and service providers can download Iconz Errands App from Google Play Store.

After installing, register an account to start enjoying convenient deliveries and related services.

Most importantly, those in the diaspora can run errands at home using their mobile phones.

Iconz Errands contacts

  • Phone number: +254769250300
  • Email address:

Need further help? Call or visit Icons Errands headquarters behind Mwalimu Sacco in Kisii town.

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Iconz Errands services are reshaping the eCommerce business in Kenya with new possibilities. You only need to download the free application; tap it and get it done.

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