Kabi Wa Jesus biography

Kabi Wa Jesus biography: Age, wiki, tribe, CV, Abby, YouTube, impregnating cousin scandal story

Kabi WaJesus is a Kenyan celebrity vlogger and artist with a lucky spot on entertainment. He has recently been on the limelight for allegedly impregnating a cousin. Kabi Wa Jesus biography tells more about his age, family background, and career profile.

Who is Kabi Wa Jesus? The multitalented Kabi Wa Jesus is a successful YouTuber, comedian, gospel singer, and husband to Milly Wa Jesus. The Thitima hitmaker artists is an overnight sensation for all the good and wrong reasons.

Kabi Wa Jesus profiles summary

  • Real name: Peter Kabi
  • Popularly: Kabi WaJesus
  • Date of birth: October 2, 1990
  • Place of birth: Kayole, Nairobi
  • Kabi Wa Jesus age: 32 years
  • Ethnicity: Kikuyu tribe
  • County: Kenya
  • Occupation:  YouTuber, singer
  • Genre: Comedy and vlogging
  • Kabi Wa Jesus wife: Milly Kabi
  • Hon Kabi Wa Jesus children: 1
  • Years active: 2016 to date
  • Relationship status: Married

Kabi Wa Jesus is famous for dropping a killer gospel hit Thitima and exceeding influence on YouTube.

Milly Wa Jesus and Kabi Wa Jesus biography with pictures

The photos of Kabi Wa Jesus and Milly Wa Jesus are sassy and irresistible.

Various autobiography facts reveals that Kabi is a lively gentleman alongside, wife Milly Wa Jesus.

How old is Kabi Wa Jesus?

Peter Kabi alias Kabi Wa Jesus age is 32 years as of 2023. The Youtuber celebrated his 32nd birthday on October 2, 2022.

The YouTuber comes from Kayole in Nairobi City County where he spent childhood years.

Kabi WaJesus tribe

Peter Kabi is of the Kikuyu tribe and ethnicity, born and raised in Kayole Estate.

Education and qualifications

Kabi WaJesus attended Kenyatta University.

Comedian Kabi Wa Jesus family background

Kabi has not revealed more about his birthplace, parents, siblings, brothers, sisters, and close relatives.

Kabi Wa Jesus wife Milly Wa Jesus

Miily Wa Jesus and Kabi Wa Jesus married in 2017 through a decent customary wedding dubbed Ruracio.

Their colourful wedding excited many for its live television hype.

Kabi Wa Jesus scandal

A recent stint in which Kabi admitted to siring the seven year old Abby with a cousin is sparking endless controversies.

Kabi Wa Jesus story is particularly a cause of alarm for going against the norms to impregnate a cousin.

Email and phone contacts

  • Email: thewajesus@gmail.com

The Wajesus Family comprising Peter Kabi and wife Milly Wa Jesus has not released personal phone contacts.

Interesting tales within Kabi Wa Jesus biography are why the couple claimed the celebrity status.