Nyamira town municipality economics

10 Reasons why Nyamira town municipality economics, politics, and population growth are stunted

Nyamira town municipality is a promising socio-economic destination in the western parts of Kenya. It is home to Nyamira County offices, several businesses, and at least 20,000 residents. Even so, the urban centre is struggling to embrace meaningful growth.

30 kilometres to the North West of Kisii Town is Nyamira metropolitan. The notorious centre is only a few meters off the busy Kericho Kisii Road. Locals agree that the newly inaugurated Nyamira Municipality is a haven of several untapped opportunities.

10 Reasons why Nyamira town municipality is stunted

The evergreen Nyamira County with a population of about 650,000 has its headquarters in Nyamira town.

Various facts about Nyamira town say no less about the causes of its backwardness.

1. Nyamira county location is hideous with no room for expansion

The scarcely populated Nyamira is a โ€œlandlockedโ€ town that is mostly out of touch by travellers.

Its location on the rolling Gusii highlands is particularly problematic with no room for radius expansion.

A swam of motorbikes and occasional public service vehicles visit the town from Kisii County.

Sitting in the middle of nowhere has indeed been blocking a one-street Nyamira town from the kiss of devolution.

2. Scarcity of land for sale in Nyamira town delaying growth

Most real estate properties in Nyamira town are under ancestral ownership to mean absolute titles.

Sadly, most of these original owners clinching to Nyamira CBD properties among them land are poverty-stricken without resources to erect apartments and malls.

Nyamira municipality manager, Jackson Mogusu, reasons that absolute titles are chasing away potential investors.

3. Poor road network frustrating residents and businesses

Nyamira town is mostly concentrated alongside the road with no backstreet network.

Extending from the highway junction to Helsinki Hotel is a single lane road with narrow walkways on both sides.

A lack of decent residential housing and space for large businesses is negatively affecting the rise of Nyamira town.

4. Nyamira town municipality population is too low

The partly metropolitan Nyamira town is yet to replace Keroka town as the largest centre in Nyamira County.

The low population is backing the tail status. Even worse, only a fraction of residents is economically productive.

5. Over-reliance on Kisii County

Nyamira is a partly abandoned town considering that its county officials are leading investors in Kisii town.

Yes, the late governor John Nyagarama failed to plant the seed of change on economic matters.

And now, the situation has only worsened with governor Amos Nyaribo in charge.

6. Strained social amenities in Nyamira town, if any

Nyamira town does not have enough roads to favour a dependable supply chain. Similarly, it lacks standard recreational facilities.

On the missing list are also a social hall, cemetery, dumpsite, and a functional open-air market.

Therefore, plenty of agricultural supplies among them fresh vegetables and bananas do not attract sufficient income.

7. Low concentration of higher learning institutions

KMTC Nyamira Campus is by far the largest higher learning institution by size in Nyamira town.

Except for a long list of colleges, the entire county does not have a single university to stimulate research and development.

8. Excessive inclination to witchcraft

Like most parts of Gusiiland, the precious Nyamira County is rotting under the watch of witchcraft terrified locals.

Among the most afraid are able Gusii-born millionaires who would rather throw their wealth into a burning bush instead of investing it within their motherland.

A high prevalence of Christianity in South Nyanza is far from changing this backward attitude towards witchcraft.

9. Nyamira town municipality insecure and conflict-torn

Nyamira town has the largest police station but that is not a priority for a majority of residents living below the poverty line.

When hungry, they need food on the table, not a bigger referral hospital. Imminent social conflicts triggered by a lack of well-paying jobs is an old reality.

That said, recurring instances of insecurity make the town less habitable especially for deep-pocket investors.

According to the County Commissioner, Amos Mariba, insecurity is slowly becoming a non-issue.

10. Dirty politics with deep roots in Nyamira County corruption

Nyamira County is a den of corrupt leaders who only care for their interests and those of close relatives.

We are talking about the kind of leaders who used Ksh. 7 million to build a substandard gate for Nyamira Referral Hospital.

Overrated county projects, a lack of transparency, and frustrated auditing are some of the newest financial loopholes.

Nyamira town municipality is the heart of Nyamira County despite lacking face value. Nonetheless, it is a home town of most Kisii celebrities such as super CS Fred Matiangi and Retired CJ David Maraga.