Who Owns Quickmart Supermarket

Who Owns Quickmart Supermarket? List of Branches & contacts – Founder Duncan Kinuthia Biography

Quickmart Ltd is a leading Kenyan supermarket with at least 60 branches in more than 15 counties. Its meteoric rise came with the untimely exit of giant shopping centres, Nakumatt supermarket and Tuskys supermarket. Who Owns Quickmart Supermarket?

The black-red themed chain store established in 2006 in Nakuru City is steadily rivaling Naivas Supermarket in the supply of fresh produce and fast-moving goods. Its growth rate tripled in 2020 following a successful merger with Tumaini Self Service Limited Supermarket.

Who Owns Quickmart Supermarket?

Quickmart Supermarket’s founding owner is the late John Kinuthia, a prolific Nakuru-based businessman who died in 2016. He passed management to his family having attained a gross annual sales of at least Ksh. 1 billion.

Who are the investors in Quick Mart supermarket? Top-ranking shareholders include Adenia Partners of Mauritius through their subsidiary company Sokoni Retail Kenya.

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As of 2022, Quickmart was the second largest chain store in Kenya after Naivas Limited. The capital share and number of outlets have since increased significantly.

Who is Duncan Kinuthia?

The biography of Duncan Kinuthia indicates that he was an industrious investor in Nakuru city before opening multiple outlets in various parts of the country.

Here is a summary of his investment journey since 2006.

2006First Quickmart supermarket outlet
2010First Quickmart supermarket in Nairobi city, Ruai
2019Valley Arcade branch becomes 24-hour operational
2020Merger with Tumaini Supermarket
2021Quickmart Lavington launches fresh food strategy
2021First coastal region Quickmart opened at Mtwapa
2021Attaining 45 stores countrywide
2022Extending to Westlands and Kitengela
2022Attaining 50 branches countrywide
2023Attaining 60 branches in counting

Attractive offers and well-structured corporate governance are part of the reasons for continued growth.

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Quickmart Supermarket branches and contacts

As earlier stated, there are about 60 Quickmart branches in 15.

Here is the long list of malls with contacts for each outlet

1. Eldoret

EldoretEldo Center Mall0743001100

2. Kajiado

QKiserianMagadi road0110007463
KitengelaNairobi / Namanga0715769769
Milele NgongNgong road0717896896
Rongai ExpressMagadi Road0701227777
Rongai MainMagadi Road0799212121

3. Kakamega

KakamegaKisumu / Kakamega road0719225577

4. Kericho

KerichoTengecha la harambee road0111220222

5. Kiambu

ChaniaGatitu Rd0717802802
Kiambu RoadKiambu road0706454545
RuakaLimuru Road0708600500
RuiruRuiru/ Kamiti Road0701282828

6. Kilifi

Quickmart Mtwapa ExpressMombasa/ Malindi road, Mtwapa0745001100
Quickmart Mtwapa MallMombasa/ Malindi Road, Mtwapa0726604604

7. Kisii

Quickmart KisiiEchiro mall0746001100

8. Kisumu

Quickmart KondeleKondele bypass0701222288
Quickmart MayfairAngawe avenue0715384300
Quickmart NyalendaAwour Otieno Road0701333344
Quickmart Oginga OdingaOginga Odinga Road0110007462

9. Kitui

Quickmart KituiBiashara Street0714880088

10. Laikipia

Quickmart NanyukiNyeri/ Nanyuki Road0719225566

11. Machakos

Quickmart Machakos ExpressNear Machakos / Kitui road0721880088
Quickmart Machakos PioneerMachakos Wote road0724880088
Quickmart Mlolongo HighwayNear Machakos road0725880088

12. Mombasa

BandariHaile Selasie Road0713821821
NyaliLinks Road, Nyali0726336337

13. Nairobi

Buru BuruBuru Buru Phase 3, Mumias Rd.0700555566
ChakaArgwings Kodhek Rd0700444433
Crossroads KarenLang’ata Road0714660066
DonholmOutering Rd0701222999
EBPEastern ByPass0715404040
EBP 2Eastern ByPass0700883333
EmbakasiRoad to Utawala Academy0700552222
FedhaFedha road0701434343
JipangeThika road0700686868
Kahawa SukariKahawa Sukari avenue0716474747
Kahawa WestKahawa station road0701383838
Kikuyu RoadKikuyu road0702151515
KileleshwaMandera road0715412412
KilimaniKilimani road0799330088
LavingtonGitanga road0798202020
MfanganoHakati road0700555588
Mombasa RoadMombasa road0748001100
OTCLandhies Road0700358358
OuteringOuter Ring Road0701222226
Outering 2Kangundo Road0719757757
PioneerMoi Avenue0719225511
PipelineOuter Ring Road0701222228
RoysambuKamiti Road0700838383
RuaiKangundo Road0700500005
ThomeMarurui, Northern Bypass0707808808
TMallMai Mahiu Road, Lang’ata0727880088
Tom MboyaTom Mboya Street0700444455
Utawala ExpressEastern ByPass0701393939
Utawala MainEastern ByPass0701424242
WaiyakiWaiyaki Way0799181818
WestlandsRing Road, Parklands0717963963

14. Nakuru

ShababShabab, Nakuru0706211010

15. Trans-Nzoia

KitaleMak Asembo street, Kitale0718001100

Call to make inquiries and request home deliveries.

Who Owns Quickmart Supermarket? The founder Duncan Kinuthia died in 2016 having established a multi-billion shopping chain that would succeed Nakumatt and Tuskys.