Raila Bodyguard Abducted

Raila Bodyguard Abducted! President Ruto Accused of Withdrawing ODM Leader’s Security Detail

A senior bodyguard attached to Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party leader Raila Odinga has been abducted. Maurice Ogeta was allegedly taken captive by unknown assailants amid the ongoing Wednesday-Friday demonstrations.

Incidences of Raila’s bodyguard being roughed up by fellow police officers have been recorded before.

Raila Bodyguard Abducted!

The ODM Party director of communication, Philip Etale, says that Ogeta was confiscated by state machinery on his way to work.

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The opposition has accused detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) of the desperate act.

“Unknown people in plain clothes suspected to be police officers from the DCI have abducted Raila Odinga’s bodyguard Maurice Ogeta while driving to work, bundled in him in the car boot and driven away with him to unknown destination. His whereabouts remain unknown.”

Philip Etale.

Counter investigations are underway to trace his whereabouts.

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‘Raila bodyguard Abducted’ news are still causing political shock waves among Azimio diehards. In separate news, Gaucho is on record for publicly feasting on raw blood in the spirit of no surrender.

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