Fenny Kerubo biography

Fenny Kerubo biography: Age, husband, tribe, brother Dennis Onyamo, latest song ft Rose Muhando

Going international continues to spike the hunt for Fenny Kerubo biography. Long gone are the days when she was a local gospel musician. The gorgeous evangelist now brags shoulders with accomplished gospel ministers from across East Africa. Even better in her life story with profile details and facts about husband, family, tribe, and latest music.

The award-winning female gospel singer is famous for all the right reasons. Mainly on the spot are Fenny Kerubo ft Rose Muhando songs. Notable releases and experiences explain why the Kisii artist is attracting undivided attention from fans. The kisiifinest.co.ke brings you a more informative version of Fenny Kerubo Wikipedia page.  

Fenny Kerubo profiles summary

  • Real name: Fenny Kerubo Onyamo
  • Popularly: Fenny Kerubo
  • Place of birth:  Kisii
  • Ethnicity: Kisii
  • County: Kisi County
  • Nationality: Kenyan (East Africa)
  • YouTube channel: Fenny Kerubo
  • Occupation:  Gospel artist
  • Fenny Kerubo children: 2
  • Years active: Since childhood
  • Religion: Christian
  • Fenny Kerubo father: Meshack Onyamo Ragira

Fenny Kerubo artist is famous for her commitment to the gospel ministry. Also, Fenny Kerubo ft Rose Muhando songs are commendable.  

Fenny Kerubo biography

The Gospel singer identifies herself as the one called out to serve the Living God.

Fenny’s evangelic ministry is expanding faster and overcoming obstacles to become the best in the region.

According to Bro Dennis Onyamo profile on Facebook, their Home is at Magwagwa, Nyanza, Kenya.

How old is Fenny Kerubo? Info on her age is still private. Fenny Kerubo biography facts have more.

Who is Fenny Kerubo?

She is a multitalented Kenyan gospel singer. Besides, she is a sister to the renowned gospel artist, videographer, and Why Me singer Bro Dennis Onyamo.

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Which tribe is Fenny Kerubo? The respected Fenny Kerubo tribe is Kisii.

Fenny Kerubo family

Come to Me hitmaker is from a family of the late Meshack Onyamo Ragira.

A recent loss of a father on September 7, 2019, broke hearts considering he was a Kisii celebrity.

During his youthful years, Mr Onyamo worked as a presenter in KBC Kisumu, Ebarasa ya Abagaka programme.

He later worked alongside Alice Chae of Egesa FM. After that, Meshack suffered hypertension that ended with a leg amputated a couple of years before his death.

The fallen Kisii icon died aged 78 years at Tabaka Mission hospital. Onyamo was in the process of recovering from wounds following an amputation procedure on his second leg.

On the same day of Fenny Kerubo father funeral, his first wife died of a stroke. Worse still, Fenny’s nephew died within the month.

The unfortunate turn of events cast a dark spell on the larger Onyamo family for a while.

Fenny Kerubo siblings

The Kisii gospel sensation comes from a family of 12 children. Out of the dozen, 6 are active singers.

Some of her brothers and sisters are Bro Dennis Onyamo of Prophecy Audiovisual TV, Josephat, Ednah, Norah, Sarah, Wyckliff, Jones, Isabella, and the late Jane.

Fenny Kerubo husband

Is Fenny Kerubo married? Yes. However, not sufficient details are available about Fenny Kerubo marriage and husband.

The public opinion holds that she is having a blissful marriage with a couple of kids by her side.

Meanwhile, Fenny Kerubo wedding photos are still locked away from the public eye. She has been married to him for over 18 years now.

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Fenny Kerubo Children

The singer has two grown children. The firstborn son is 18 years old, and the second-born daughter about nine years old.

Is it true Fenny Kerubo and Judy Mama are twins?

No, they are not related. Kenyans were first confused between the two when Embarambamba jumped on the back of a female singer.

Fenny came out soon after to apologize for the mistaken identity.

The controversial singer, Embarambamba, also clarified that the involved artist was Judy Mama and not Fenny as most people had assumed.

Fenny Kerubo history

The musician comes from a polygamous family, with her mother being the second wife to his father, Mr Meshack Onyamo.

Dennis and his sister Fenny are now working as full-time evangelists.

Fenny Kerubo songs

Nyamaza ft Rose Muhando is the latest instance of big titles in the singer’s trending collabos series.

Fenny Kerubo ft Rose Muhando songs have been breaking the internet with a new touch of praise and worship experience.

More so, listening to Fenny Kerubo music is both relaxing and uplifting to the soul.

Fenny Kerubo latest songs

Followers can now access and download Fenny Kerubo You Tube videos for free. Here are the most trending;

  • Fenny Kerubo the Beast
  • Fenny Kerubo – No Matter
  • Conquerer by Fenny Kerubo 
  • Osasimwe by Fenny Kerubo
  • Coronavirus by Fenny Kerubo
  • Fenny Kerubo ft Rose Muhando Nyamaza
  • Fenny Kerubo ft Rose Mhando Live Performance
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Additional trending gospel songs are Ababisa Bane, Amasesenia, Bankwanire Bobe, Batinyie Amariga, and Come to Me

More top tracks are Emeika Ye Chinderia, I Believe (Island Medley), Intome Tata, Kenya Kenya, Laudikia, Mbuya Mono, Mbwate Okoboko, Mosemerie Tata, and Omonene Bwemeganda.

4th-time Groove Awards winner and GCA 2020

Fenny qualified in the 14th edition of Groove Awards winners with her song Conquerer. She is likely to win more awards in the days to come.

Additionally, Fenny was the Female Gospel Artist of the Year. She rose above other nominees at an Ufanisi Resort held Gusii Creative Awards 2020 event.

Fenny Kerubo contacts

  • Phone: 0721712612
  • Email: fennykerubo@gmail.com

Link with the singer through her phone contact, email, or social media handles to book or support her booming gospel ministry

Evangelist Fenny Kerubo biography confirms that her music star is shining brighter by the day. As a result, the evangelist is an inspiration to several other Kisii singers of our time. Fenny Kerubo life history proves that she is the best.

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